Carter. NLC-7-27-9-2-4


The confidential memorandum from Zbigniew Brzezinski to the President discusses the adoption of full scope safeguards, a policy that the United States has been pushing for in the international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation. The memorandum outlines that Canada already practices this unilaterally, and the British, Germans, and Soviets have expressed clear support for it as a joint supplier policy. However, the only remaining barrier to their formal adoption at the fall London Suppliers meeting is France.

The international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation is a proposal for a multinational effort to develop a nuclear fuel cycle that would reduce the proliferation risk of nuclear materials. The goal is to ensure that countries can develop nuclear power while minimizing the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation. The evaluation would involve a comprehensive study of the entire nuclear fuel cycle, including uranium mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operations, spent fuel management, and reprocessing.

Full scope safeguards are a key component of the international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation. These safeguards require countries to provide comprehensive monitoring and inspections of their entire nuclear program, including facilities that are not directly related to nuclear weapons production. The purpose of full scope safeguards is to provide transparency and accountability in the nuclear fuel cycle and reduce the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.

The memorandum proposes that the French need to get on board with the adoption of full scope safeguards to move forward with the international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation. The French concerns regarding the adoption of full scope safeguards and the renegotiation of the U.S.-Euratom Agreement for Cooperation are outlined in the memorandum. However, the memorandum suggests that there is modest room for maneuver, proposing specific negotiating positions to be proposed to the French.

In conclusion, the confidential memorandum from Zbigniew Brzezinski to the President highlights the importance of full scope safeguards in the international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation. It proposes specific negotiating positions to be proposed to the French to ensure that they get on board with the adoption of full scope safeguards and move forward with the evaluation.