Ian Stewart's Publications

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This page provides a comprehensive list of publications written by Dr Ian Stewart, the editor of this site. Dr Stewart is a researcher and practitioner in the nonproliferation and international domains. From 2010-2020, he ran 'Project Alpha' at King's College London. Since 2020, he has been the executive director of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies office in Washington DC. He also supports the EU P2P program on dual-use goods. He previously worked for the UK Ministry of Defence. His writing tends to focus on nonproliferation, nuclear history, export controls, and emerging technology issues. 

Academic publications


Ian J Stewart, "International Nuclear Export Controls and Non-Proliferation: The Collective Action Problem", Routledge, 2022. 

Other academic publications

Ian J Stewart, "Export Controls in an Era of Strategic Competition: Implications for the Existing Landscape and the Need for a New Multilateral Trade Review Regime", Strategic Trade Review, Volume 9, Issue 10, Winter/Spring 2023

Ian J Stewart, Noah Mayhew, "Meeting the growing safeguards burden", The Non-proliferation Review, January 2020.

Ian J Stewart, Andrea Viski, Jonathan Brewer, “Combating the Financing of Proliferation: Challenges and New Tools”, Journal of Financial Crime, 11 March 2020

Stewart, I., El Gebaly, A., Lee, A., "Automated Processing of Open Source Information for Non-Proliferation Purposes", Journal of Nuclear Material Management, 2018

John Park, Leonard S. Spector, Ian J. Stewart, ‘Out-of-the-Box Initiatives to Combat Illicit Nuclear Technology Procurement Networks’, in eds., Matthew Bunn, Martin B. Malin, William C. Potter, Leonard S. Spector, "Preventing Black-Market Trade in Nuclear Technology", Cambridge University Press, June 2018, available online here

Ian Stewart and Daniel Salisbury, "Non-State Actors as Proliferators: Preventing their Involvement", Strategic Trade Review, Autumn 2016, 2(3).

Ian Stewart and Jonathan Brewer, "Engaging the Private Sector in Nonproliferation: Reflections from Practitioners", Strategic Trade Review, Autumn 2016, 2(3), available online here.

Ian J. Stewart, "The Contribution of Intangible Technology Controls in Controlling the Spread of Strategic Technologies", Strategic Trade Review, Autumn 2015, 1(1), available online here.

Ian J. Stewart and Catherine Dill, "Defining Effective Strategic Trade Controls at the National LevelStrategic Trade Review, autumn 2015, 1(1), available online here.

Other publications

Ian J. Stewart, "Why the IAEA model may not be best for regulating artificial intelligence", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 2023

Ian J Stewart, Brazil wants special treatment for its nuclear submarine program—just like Australia, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 2022

Ian J Stewart, "Export Control and Emerging Technology Control in an Era of Strategic Competition", Nonpro Notes, CNS DC, March 2022

Ian Stewart, Jeffrey Lewis, Noah Mayhew, David Schmerler, and Chen Zak Kane., "Status of the Front End of Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle", Nonpro Notes, CNS DC, October  2020

Ian J Stewart, "Transparency and Reporting on Arms Exports within and from the EU", Directorate General for ExternalPolicies of the Union , May 2020

Ian J. Stewart, Emma Scott, “Can the Iran nuclear deal survive as the IAEA investigates Israeli allegations?“, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 8 April 2018. 

Ian J. Stewart, “The Europeans have 90 days to save the nuclear agreement with Iran”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 7 August 2017. 

Ian J. Stewart, "Our obsession with Trident is blinding us to the real nuclear danger", The Telegraph, 11 April 2016.

‘Implementation Day for the Iran nuclear deal,’ Project Alpha, 16 January 2016, available online here.

Ian J. Stewart, Paulina Izewicz and Nick Hansen, ‘Show and TEL: Iranian missile development defies restrictions,’ Jane’s Intelligence Review, January 2016.

Ian J. Stewart, "Export controls at the crossroads", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 15 October 2015, available online here.

Ian J. Stewart and Sibylle Bauer, ‘EU export controls: the state of play and the need for reform’ Directorate for External Policies Policy Department of the European Parliament, October 2015.

Ian J. Stewart, Nick Gillard and John Druce, ‘"ran’s illicit procurement activities: Past, present and future", 24 July 2015, available online here.

Nick Gillard and Ian J. Stewart, "The AEOI Files: Proliferation Case Study Series",’ Project Alpha, 11 August 2015, available online here.

Ian J. Stewart, "The Iranian Nuclear Procurement Channel: the most complex part of the JCPOA?", World Export Control Review, July 2015.

Ian J. Stewart and Dominic Williams, "Is Saudi Arabia trying to get nuclear weapons?The Telegraph, 23 May 2015

Ian J. Stewart and Cristina Rotaru, "The Nuclear Mechanic: Proliferation Case Study Series", Project Alpha, 18 August 2015, available online here.

Ian J. Stewart, "An Architecture for Controlling Nuclear-relevant Trade with Iran", Project Alpha, 20 April 2015, available online here.

Project Alpha and the Association of University Legal Practitioners, "Higher Education Guide And Toolkit On Export Controls and The ATAS Student Vetting Scheme", 2 April 2015, available online here.

Ian J. Stewart, "Preventing illicit trade in dual-use items & technologies", Trust & Verify, January-March 2015, Issue Number 148.

International Security Department, Chatham House, and Project Alpha, "UNSCR 1540 Ten Years On: Challenges and Opportunities", 5 November 2015.

Ian J. Stewart, "China and Non-Proliferation: Progress at Last?", The Diplomat, 25 March 2015.

Ian J. Stewart, "Enforcement action continues in relation to Iran’s procurement of pressure transducers", Project Alpha, 20 January 2015, available online here.

United Nations Security Council, "S/2015/28 - Sanctions compliance for the maritime transportation sector", 16 January 2015, available online here.

Ian J. Stewart and Dominic Williams, "Supporting UN Security Council Resolution 1540: a cornerstone of efforts against WMD proliferation", Project Alpha, 10 November 2014, available online here.

Daniel Salisbury and Ian J. Stewart, "Li Fang Wei (Karl Lee): Proliferation Case Study Series", 19 May 2014, Project Alpha, available online here.

Ian J. Stewart, Nick Gillard and Jonathan Brewer, "Internet-trading platforms: Making it easier to get around sanctions?",The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 31 October 2014