About Nonpro Archive

This site was set up by Dr Ian Stewart as a research resource. It contains - or will contain - a large and somewhat random assortment of non-proliferation related archive materials and reports. It also houses a research notes blog in which Dr Stewart and other site users may share research drawing on the archive materials.

All materials hosted on this site have been formally released and declassified through relevant processes. Mostly, the files come from national or presidential archives. Efforts have also been undertaken to ensure that published materials comply with other relevant laws such as copyright. In the case of the UK National Archive files, for example, payment was made to the National Archives for publishing of digitised material from the Archive. 

Repository items on the site will often be published as though they were written on the date that the embedded document was issued. For example, if the content holds a government issued on the Sept 20, 1978, that date may be used as the publication date of the article on this site. A principle reason for this is to allow the date field to be used for the purposes of timelines, sorting, and search. 

The site was set up using the Islandora repository software stack. Dr Stewart used this stack when conducting his PhD research to organise his archival materials and had an ambition to make both this stack and the archive materials more widely available following completion of his PhD. With publication of Dr Stewart's PhD book in September 2021, the time was right to begin to make these materials available. Feedback on this site and contributions for the research blog drawing on the site's materials are welcome. 

Use of AI-assisted writing tools: This site may make use of AI-assisted writing tools to generate summaries of documents. Analytical articles on this site do not make use of such tools other than where excerpts from these document summaries are included. 



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