Pages 76-78 from Truman. Papers of Harry S Truman. President's Secretary's Files. Box 174
This document is a letter from the Secretary of Commerce to the President, expressing their agreement with Secretary Stimson's proposal for the free exchange of scientific information on atomic energy among all United Nations. The Secretary believes that there are no substantial scientific secrets hindering the production of atomic bombs by other nations. They argue that maintaining secrecy would be short-sighted and that the free interchange of scientific information would benefit both the United States and the world. They suggest that sharing scientific knowledge would lay the foundation for international agreements and control of atomic energy for peaceful use. The Secretary emphasizes the need for early action and warns of the dangers of continuing the current course of secrecy and stockpiling atomic bombs. They advocate for closer scientific exchange with Russia to maintain peaceful relations and gain a true friend. The Secretary concludes by mentioning statements from prominent scientists who support the free exchange of scientific information and highlight the destructive potential of atomic energy.