Pages 65-66 from Truman. Papers of Harry S Truman. President's Secretary's Files. Box 174


This document is a letter from the Secretary of the Interior to the President expressing their thoughts on the atomic bomb and international control. The Secretary regrets the missed opportunity to approach friendly nations immediately after the use of the atomic bomb and suggests that the current situation is deteriorating. They propose convening a "Big 3" conference of scientific delegates to explore technical controls, mutual trust, and mutual inspection as a basis for a later conference involving all major friendly powers. The Secretary warns that the current situation could lead to mutual suspicions and an arms race for atomic bombs, which would result in the destruction of civilization. They emphasize the need for permanent peace based on mutual understanding and trust, even with the risk of misplaced trust. The Secretary urges the President to make wise decisions regarding the atomic bomb, as it holds immense power and its unwise use could lead to disaster. They advocate for a government commission with a majority of high government officials and the President's oversight to safeguard against abuses. The Secretary concludes by suggesting that the possession of atomic knowledge should be used to foster international friendships and achieve lasting peace.