Pages 61-63 from Truman. Papers of Harry S Truman. President's Secretary's Files. Box 174


This document is a memorandum from the Secretary of the Interior addressing the issue of handling knowledge about the atomic bomb and atomic energy. The memorandum suggests initiating conversations with the British, Canadians, Russians, and other nations to establish a general exchange of scientific information, including atomic energy and matters of war and peace. It proposes principles such as freely sharing scientific information, renouncing the use of atomic weapons, and encouraging research and application of atomic energy within the United States. The memorandum emphasizes the importance of not attempting to maintain secrecy and instead advocates for open international cooperation. It argues that maintaining a monopoly on atomic knowledge is impossible and that progress in research and technology can only be achieved through the free exchange of information. Attempting to close borders and restrict information would impede development and potentially lead to conflict. The memorandum concludes that embracing open cooperation and international exchange is essential for world peace and scientific progress.