Pages 3-6 from Box 175 - President's Secretary's Files



The letter is a summary of a report from the Advisory Committee on scientific and technical matters relating to atomic energy. The committee acknowledges the importance of the work of the Atomic Energy Commission for the welfare of the United States. They have devoted time and study to their advisory role and have held meetings with the commission and military liaison committee. They highlight the inadequate state of atomic energy development and the slow progress in various technical areas. The committee's function is to assist the commission in formulating short and long-term technical programs, including the development of atomic armament, reactors, and support for physical and biological sciences related to atomic energy. They report progress in improving atomic weapons and the establishment of proving grounds. However, they believe more needs to be done in developing atomic reactors and attracting qualified personnel. The committee also emphasizes the importance of supporting basic science and the benefits of releasing atomic energy for research purposes. They raise concerns about the adverse effects of secrecy on progress, advocating for a re-evaluation of the risks of disclosure versus the dangers of maintaining excessive secrecy. The letter is signed by the chairman and other committee members.