Pages 165-171 from FCO 96/1077
The document appears to be a letter from Dr. Raffner at the German Ministry for Research and Technology to Dr. Schmidt-Kuster, the Chairman of the Joint Committee. The letter, dated 18 December 1979, discusses security and classification concerns related to gas centrifuge cooperation.
The Working Group on Security and Classification met on 15 and 16 October 1979 to study the revision tasks assigned by the Joint Committee during their meeting on 19 September 1979. The report created by the Working Group is enclosed with the letter.
Copies of the report are provided for the Joint Committee members in Great Britain and the Netherlands.
The Working Group expressed the opinion that the Joint Committee should not have asked URENCO to report on the handling of classification regulations in the partner countries during the meeting on 19 June 1979. Instead, the task should have been assigned to the Working Group, a subcommittee of the Joint Committee.
The Working Group refers to Annex XI (Security procedure and classification) of the Agreement of 4 March 1970. According to item 4 of this annex, the Joint Committee may request necessary reports within the framework of security and classification from each of the official agencies designated under letter b.