Pages. 151-153 from FCO 82-1724
This document is a confidential communication discussing various topics related to arms control. The main points covered are as follows:
Conventional Arms Control: The discussion mentions that finding common ground with France on conventional arms reductions in Europe is unclear. The need for full alliance coordination and negotiations without interference from the NNA (presumably referring to the Soviet Union) is emphasized.
Reykjavik Proposal: The implications of the President's proposal to eliminate ballistic missiles by 1996 are discussed. The view is expressed that flexible response is still appropriate even without ballistic missiles.
Verification in Arms Control: The difficulty of achieving adequate verification for a comprehensive arms control agreement is mentioned, and different approaches between the UK and US are recognized.
Nuclear Testing Limitations: The importance of staying close to the US administration's evolving thinking on nuclear testing issues is highlighted, and the challenges of verification are discussed.
Overall, the document provides insights into ongoing arms control discussions and negotiations between different countries.