Pages 97-99 from FCO 46-8067


The document appears to be a confidential communication discussing the expansion of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) to include additional countries. The summary is as follows:

  1. The priority is to secure the adherence of the European Community (EC) countries to the MTCR. The lead will be taken by France, the current EC presidency.
  2. Other European Space Agency (ESA) countries will be approached by respective MTCR partners: Norway and Sweden by the United Kingdom, Austria and Finland by the FRG, and Switzerland by Italy.
  3. Canada, as the prospective host for the next meeting, will brief other NATO countries, Australia, and New Zealand.
  4. The document should remain classified and not be publicly distributed. Adhering countries will issue MTCR documents, including an official text in English.
  5. The Soviet Union is not expected to become a full member of the regime but should be persuaded to apply measures with comparable effect. Dialogue and exchange of information with the Soviets are necessary.
  6. Efforts to involve China and other countries in preventing missile proliferation will continue through dialogue and exchanges.
  7. The MTCR has been successful in frustrating missile development programs. Partners discuss projects of concern and agree to hold an expert meeting to improve coordination and implementation.
  8. The prospective host for the next meeting will act as the contact point and coordinator. Canada offers to host the next meeting and fulfill this role in the interim.