Pages 76-78 from DEFE 70-2838
The document is a message from President George Bush to Prime Minister John Major, dated July 13, 1992. President Bush emphasizes the importance of collective efforts in combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction and the missiles that deliver them. He acknowledges the close collaboration between their governments in addressing Saddam Hussein's unconventional arsenal and other sensitive matters related to proliferation.
President Bush believes that more needs to be done due to the intensification of regional conflicts and the increased availability of technology for weapons of mass destruction. He stresses the need for continued close cooperation between their countries to prevent potential proliferators from exploiting any differences between them.
President Bush has approved a comprehensive nonproliferation initiative, which will be announced soon. He seeks broad multilateral support, particularly from the G-7 partners, and considers Prime Minister Major's support to be vital. The initiative aims to integrate new and existing policy elements into a comprehensive strategy.
The initiative includes a commitment by the United States not to produce plutonium or highly-enriched uranium for nuclear explosives purposes, addressing a concern raised by Prime Minister Major at Camp David. Satisfactory language has been worked out to ensure that this announcement does not create problems for the UK.
Additionally, the initiative proposes various measures to promote international adherence to global nonproliferation norms through multilateral actions, such as linking technology transfer with nonproliferation support, establishing a multilateral weapon destruction fund, and harmonizing export controls.
President Bush expresses his anticipation of working closely with Prime Minister Major to achieve their shared nonproliferation goals.