Pages 74-76 from FCO 177-96


This document is a report by the Royal Netherlands Embassy on the follow-up to the Informal Meeting of Nuclear Supplier Countries held in The Hague in March 1991. The report focuses on the demarches conducted in five newly emerging supplier countries: Argentina, Brazil, China, South Korea, and Yugoslavia.

In Argentina, the embassy delivered an Aide Memoire to the relevant officials, who expressed their interest in studying the Nuclear Supplier Guidelines and staying informed about future meetings. Brazil endorsed the commitment to non-proliferation outlined in the Aide Memoire and expressed willingness to participate in discussions on non-proliferation measures.

In China, there was genuine interest at the working level to improve cooperation with other nuclear suppliers. However, at a higher political level, NPT and Nuclear Supplier Guidelines remained sensitive subjects. China reaffirmed its conditions for nuclear transfers based on peaceful use and IAEA safeguards, similar to the London Guidelines.

Yugoslavia showed interest in informal participation in the activities of the group of suppliers and stated its commitment to the NPT and adherence to the nuclear supplier guidelines. The Netherlands emphasized that formal subscription to the NSG was necessary for structured participation.

South Korea, while still in the early stages of policy-making on nuclear exports, expressed interest in cooperation on export matters. They wanted to attend the May meeting of the working group on nuclear dual-use as an observer and were encouraged to subscribe to the Nuclear Supplier Guidelines.

Overall, the report provides an overview of the responses received from these emerging supplier countries and their level of engagement with non-proliferation efforts.