Pages 65-66 from FCO 177-28
This document is a confidential message from the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) to Washington and New Delhi regarding nuclear cooperation between India and Iran. The US has become aware of India's apparent offer to supply a 10 MW research reactor to Iran and their consideration of broader nuclear cooperation. The US strongly believes that any nuclear cooperation with Iran at this time would be highly imprudent.
The US opposes nuclear cooperation with Iran based on non-proliferation concerns and the unpredictable nature of the current Iranian regime, considering Iran's location in a volatile region. Iran has been negotiating with foreign suppliers to acquire nuclear materials and technologies that could be used for fissile material production. The US argues that these technologies are not justified by Iran's purported peaceful nuclear program.
Additionally, the Iranian regime's conduct, including support for international terrorism and disregard for accepted norms of international behavior, raises doubts about its trustworthiness in fulfilling international commitments. The US believes that adequate concrete evidence is needed to demonstrate Iran's commitment to peaceful nuclear energy before engaging in nuclear cooperation.
The US warns that any nuclear cooperation with Iran, even on a research reactor, could be perceived as contributing to Iran's nuclear weapons capability. They urge countries with a stake in the future of peaceful nuclear energy to avoid actions that could reinforce this perception.
Overall, the document expresses the US's strong opposition to nuclear cooperation between India and Iran, citing proliferation concerns, the unpredictable nature of the Iranian regime, and the potential for contributing to Iran's nuclear weapons capability.