Pages 62-63 from FCO 46-8067
This document is a message from the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) to Washington and Ottawa regarding the possible adherence of the Soviet Union to the MTCR (Missile Technology Control Regime) guidelines. The Americans have sought the views of the FCO on this matter in preparation for the upcoming US/Soviet summit.
The FCO states that they have no objection to Soviet adherence to the MTCR guidelines, as the guidelines explicitly welcome the adherence of other countries. However, they emphasize the need for careful handling of the announcement to avoid implying a US/Soviet agreement and potentially irritating existing partners like France and prospective members like China.
The document also discusses the possibility of the Soviet Union becoming a full member of the regime. While there would be advantages to this, such as tighter controls and exchange of information, the admission of new members requires consensus, and there are issues to address, such as intelligence gathering activities and maintaining COCOM controls.
The FCO requests close liaison with the State Department in Washington to determine when and how an announcement about Soviet adherence is likely to be made. They also ask Ottawa to speak with their interlocutors and stress the importance of an early meeting of partners, suggesting possible dates of 25 June or 17 July.
Overall, the FCO is open to Soviet adherence to the MTCR guidelines but emphasizes the need for careful handling and addressing potential challenges before full membership can be considered.