Pages 53-56 from FCO 177-95
The document discusses the informal meeting of NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group) states scheduled for 5-7 March. The author attended the EPC non-proliferation working group and pre-NSG meeting, where they discussed the US proposal on dual-use exports and the future of the NSG. The French expressed some willingness to discuss a consultative regime for dual-use exports but dislike the US model. They proposed dividing the items into three groups: EDP items subject to safeguards, sensitive dual-use items controlled on a national basis, and non-sensitive items controlled separately if at all. The author suggests that the working group should have a broad remit to avoid political discussions and to focus on the list itself. The Dutch remain skeptical of the French attitude and believe there is a possibility that the Soviet Union may attempt to disband the NSG and replace it with a wider agreement. The author mentions concerns about including countries with significant unsafeguarded programs in the NSG's work. The US and France oppose the idea of "target countries" but acknowledge sensitive destinations without explicitly mentioning them. There are concerns that the Soviet Union's close nuclear links with India could create tension within the group.