Pages 45-48 from FCO 177-102


The letter is a cover letter from Stuart Nunn of the Export Control Organisation to Roland regarding a draft paper received from the Dutch. The paper contains a proposed confidential Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to complement the Guidelines under discussion in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Working Group. The paper suggests bilateral undertakings between NSG members and raises questions about the need for confidentiality, the procedure for new members, and the inclusion of a contact point or secretariat. The UK delegation expresses support for the general approach proposed by the Dutch and suggests discussing the idea further with EC partners. The letter recommends endorsing the general approach at the EPC meeting and suggests holding a meeting of the Twelve in the margins of the NSG Working Group meeting in Washington for a more in-depth discussion. The attached document provides guidelines for the transfer of equipment, material, and related technology with nuclear applications, emphasizing the principles and definitions used to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons.