Pages 43-44 from FCO 177-695



At the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) meeting in March, a Working Group was established to explore the possibility of controlling the export of nuclear-related dual-use items. After four meetings, the Working Group reached an agreement in Interlaken on draft texts for Guidelines and an Annex. These texts, along with the draft report of the Working Group, are enclosed. The regime will operate a denial notification procedure and exercise control over which countries become members. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) allows subscribing governments to block the participation of undesirable governments. The proposed texts will be presented at the next NSG meeting in Warsaw for formal adoption. The MOU will be exchanged between the participating countries in a meeting in Warsaw. It is a significant achievement to have reached agreement among 27 nations on this regime, which will play a valuable role in preventing nuclear proliferation. The support of the recipients, Alan Clark and Colin Moynihan, is requested. Copies of the letter and enclosures are sent to them as well.