Pages 245-247 from DEFE 70-2838
The document contains a message from President Bush to Prime Minister John Major, updating him on the latest developments regarding the Strategic Arms Initiative. President Yeltsin has responded to President Bush's proposals with specified unilateral nuclear reductions that Russia will undertake in response to those made by the United States. The reductions include terminating the production of certain bombers, missile types, and nuclear warheads, as well as reducing the number of deployed missiles and tactical nuclear weapons. President Yeltsin also proposes that the United States and Russia should not only limit their own strategic missile systems but also include third-country systems in arms negotiations.
President Bush acknowledges the positive aspects of President Yeltsin's response but expresses concern about the inclusion of third-country systems and the inclusion of certain strategic missile systems in negotiations. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining nuclear deterrence as a cornerstone of the United States' and Russia's defense strategies. President Bush states that he will consult with Prime Minister Major on how to implement the initiatives and continue nuclear cooperation between the two countries. He emphasizes the need to clarify that the United States supports effective nuclear arms control for all allies and the United Kingdom.