Pages 244-245 from FCO 82-1724


The document provides a summary of the meeting between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev. Gorbachev confirmed the outcome of the meeting and emphasized the Soviet proposals on arms control. He disagreed with Reagan's position on SOI (Strategic Defense Initiative) research and called for a period of reflection.

Gorbachev highlighted the Soviet Union's commitment to obligations undertaken at the Geneva negotiations, such as extending the test moratorium and proposals for abolishing nuclear weapons and reducing conventional weapons in Europe. However, hopes for progress after the first summit were not sustained, and the Geneva negotiations reached an impasse.

During the meeting, Gorbachev proposed three draft agreements for future negotiations in Washington: immediate 50% reduction in strategic weapons leading to their complete elimination by the end of the century, a return to the President's zero option on INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) applicable to Europe, and strengthening the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty. He also stressed the need for assured verification and a guarantee that neither side would seek a military advantage.

The document indicates that the meeting reached a point of disagreement when Reagan insisted on retaining the right to carry out SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) research in space, which Gorbachev found unacceptable. Gorbachev concluded that an historical opportunity had been missed, and he now understood that US policy was governed by the wishes of the American military-industrial complex. He expressed the need for tangible results and urged the opening of detailed negotiations to achieve nuclear disarmament.