Pages 201-202 from FCO 177-540



This is a confidential message discussing China's stance on full-scope safeguards (FSS) in the context of nuclear cooperation with Pakistan. The message indicates that the UK and France have adopted FSS, but China does not see it as an international policy and believes it should be a matter for recipient countries. China maintains its three principles for nuclear cooperation: peaceful purposes, IAEA safeguards, and no retransfer of material. The message highlights that China has not yet adopted an FSS policy and sees FSS as limited in curbing proliferation. The conversation also touches upon the inspection results in Iraq and the potential tightening of controls in Western Europe. The specific components of the Jingshan 300MW reactor are mentioned, with the pressure vessel potentially supplied by Japan and pumps from Germany. The message notes that the US has lobbied on the issue, while the French have not provided instructions.