Pages 120-123 from FCO 82-1724


On October 7, 1986, President Reagan addressed the Executive Exchange Group in Washington, discussing his upcoming talks with Soviet leader Gorbachev in Iceland. He referred to the meeting as a "pre-summit planning session" rather than a signing ceremony or media event. The purpose was to make preparations for the serious work to be done when Gorbachev visited the United States. The talks would focus on arms reduction proposals, human rights violations by the Soviets, and military intervention in regional conflicts. Reagan emphasized the need for groundwork and setting the agenda in negotiations, drawing parallels with labor-management negotiations. He mentioned the importance of addressing human rights violations, resolving regional conflicts, and promoting bilateral contacts between the Soviet and American peoples. Reagan also discussed the recent Daniloff incident and the exchange of the Soviet spy for Russian human rights leader Yuri Orlov. The President highlighted the need for careful preparations and a step-by-step approach towards Soviet-American relations. He rejected criticisms of getting soft on communism and reaffirmed the commitment to freedom and the extension of liberty worldwide. Reagan expressed optimism that the summit process could contribute to preventing war and promoting personal freedom and human rights.