Pages 5-7 from FCO 46-8093
The document is a confidential letter from R.P. Flower of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, responding to a letter regarding the possible reconvening of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Flower expresses delight that the Netherlands is willing to host the meeting and considers it ideal since it is a non-nuclear weapon state party to the NPT and geographically convenient for most other group members.
Informal discussions about the idea of the NSG meeting have taken place with various countries, including the United States, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Belgium, and France. All except France have indicated a willingness, in principle, to participate.
Flower suggests discussing the proposal with Jan Hoekema in the margins of the next EPC Working Group meeting. They agree that the idea should be floated informally with all subscribers to the Nuclear Suppliers Guidelines after the Review Conference. The meeting itself is likely to be held in the spring, as preferred by the Dutch. Participants would be expected to cover their own travel and subsistence costs.
Flower suggests a meeting of approximately 2-2.5 days' duration and emphasizes the importance of carefully planning the agenda to include topics that address nuclear weapons proliferation concerns without causing differences of opinion that could jeopardize the NSG's progress.
The letter requests that Hoekema be given these initial reactions and expresses the desire to discuss the proposal further during the EPC Non-Proliferation Working Group meeting.
The document includes a list of subscribers to the Nuclear Suppliers Guidelines, consisting of 25 countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and others.
The letter is marked confidential and is copied to several individuals involved in non-proliferation departments and international relations.