Pages 5-6 from FCO 177-96


The letter is addressed to Ambassador Struik and expresses strong support for the United States' initiative to host and chair the next meeting of adherents to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Guidelines. The author emphasizes the importance of building upon the successful mutualization of the NSG achieved in The Hague in March. The proposed dates for the meeting are suggested as either the week of March 23 or the week of March 30.

The letter suggests several agenda items for the meeting, including discussions on nuclear-related dual-use controls, harmonization of NSG and Zangger lists, clarification of the trigger list (specifically heavy water production equipment), and the addition of uranium conversion equipment to the trigger list. The inclusion of these items aims to contribute to shared nuclear non-proliferation objectives.

Additionally, the letter mentions that Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, France, and Poland could have coordinating responsibilities or take a lead role in certain agenda items. The author offers to discuss these suggested agenda items in the coming weeks and expresses willingness to provide assistance as needed.

The letter is signed by Richard T. Kennedy, demonstrating his full support for the initiatives discussed.