Pages 4-40 from FCO 177-101


The document is a communication from Stuart Nunn of the Export Control Organisation regarding the NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group) Working Group. Nunn mentions holding a preparatory meeting with colleagues from the MOD (Ministry of Defence), Department of Energy, and the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) to review the outcomes of the previous NSG meeting and prepare the UK's position for the upcoming meeting in Brussels.

Nunn attaches a brief for the UK delegation attending the Brussels meeting, which focuses on the proposed nature and scope of the regime for nuclear-sensitive dual-use goods. This topic is suggested by the US, who chairs the Working Group. The brief is consistent with the UK's previous discussions with the US.

Nunn also includes a copy of the UK's brief for the first Working Group meeting, which outlines their views on the list of items suggested for inclusion in the regime. Nunn suggests using this brief as the basis for the UK's position on individual items during discussions at the Working Group meeting.

It is agreed to convene a small informal discussion on furnaces and crucibles in the margins of the Working Group. The chair in The Hague has invited the UK to produce a revised text acceptable to most delegations, and Nunn attaches a copy of the proposed text for discussion.

Nunn mentions a letter discussing the problems or challenges posed by certain items proposed for inclusion, which may require further consideration at the Brussels meeting. The letter will be sent after the outcome of the meeting is known.

Overall, the document highlights the UK's involvement in the NSG Working Group and their preparations for the upcoming meeting in Brussels.