Pages 19-26 from FCO 177-654
The document is a record of a discussion that took place during a meeting regarding the follow-up to the executive committee meeting. The meeting involved various countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The discussion centered around the organization of the meeting, the issuance of letters of invitation, and the elements of a letter of commitment by the proscribed countries.
The French delegation stated that they had no information to share at the moment regarding the organization of the meeting and the issuance of invitations. The United States delegation expressed disappointment and concern over the delay in sending the invitations and offered their assistance in expediting the process. The Japanese delegation shared similar concerns and emphasized the need for timely action.
There was a discussion regarding the draft letter of commitment to be presented to the proscribed countries. The United States delegation suggested that each member country should request a specific type of commitment letter based on their internal legal requirements. The German delegation expressed concerns about the practicality and potential complications of this approach. Further discussions took place to determine the best course of action.
The meeting also touched upon the conditions for granting Favourable Consideration treatment to the proscribed countries. The United States delegation proposed that the decision should be based on the four conditions agreed upon by the Executive Committee. Some delegations supported this suggestion, while others had reservations.
There was a brief discussion about the Exclusion List, which outlines items ineligible for export under Favourable Consideration treatment. Delegations discussed whether the same items from the Special Procedure Exclusion List should remain ineligible. The issue was not resolved, and further deliberations were needed.
The possibility of holding a licensing and enforcement officers' conference was mentioned, but no final decision was made on the matter. The Chairman noted the need for information sharing with the proscribed countries and stated that an information package was being prepared.