Pages 14-16 from FCO 177-102


This document is a summary of an EU  meeting on non-proliferation and nuclear-related issues. It involves discussions among various political committees and working groups. The key points mentioned include:

  • The presentation of an oral report during a meeting in Brussels on September 10, 1991.
  • The submission of revised versions of a joint statement and a common statement on the improvement of existing safeguards to be discussed at future meetings in Vienna.
  • The consideration of transfers or exports of nuclear-related dual-use items and the need for coordination among the twelve participating countries.
  • The report of a sub-group on nuclear export controls, highlighting the progress made in harmonizing a model list of controlled nuclear products.
  • Updates on consultations with new supplier countries and their acceptance or consideration of the nuclear supplier guidelines.
  • Plans for a forthcoming working group meeting in Annapolis to discuss guidelines for transfers of nuclear-related dual-use equipment, material, and technology, along with a consultation mechanism.