Pages 12-26 from FCO 177-94


This document, titled "DTI NSG Paper, 12 April 1991," discusses proposed controls on various industrial equipment and materials for the purpose of nuclear proliferation. The document is divided into sections, with each section focusing on specific types of equipment or materials. The document provides comments on the proposed controls and offers alternative suggestions.

In Section I, which pertains to industrial equipment, the document discusses proposed controls on CNC spin-forming and flow-forming machines, CNC machine tools and control units, induction furnaces, etc. It raises concerns about the broad scope of the proposed controls and suggests narrowing them down to specific types of equipment that are essential for nuclear weapon fabrication.

In Section II, which deals with materials, the document addresses proposed controls on aluminum tubes, beryllium and its compounds, high-purity graphite, etc. It suggests considering the source countries and the critical aspects of the materials in determining the necessity of control.

In the section on explosion systems development equipment, the document comments on proposed controls for computers used in modeling purposes, X-ray equipment, light gas guns, etc. It questions the inclusion of certain equipment and proposes alternative control measures.

The document also covers controls on implosion systems development equipment and nuclear test instrumentation components. It provides feedback and alternative suggestions for each category.

Overall, the document provides a critical analysis of the proposed controls, highlighting concerns about their practicality, enforceability, and their effectiveness in preventing nuclear proliferation. It suggests alternative approaches and narrower controls that target specific items more effectively.