Pages 10-13 from FCO 177-1349
The document provides a report on the Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) held from 30 March to 1 April 1993 in The Hague. The TWG was established to consider possible additions to the Annex of INFCIRC/254/Rev.1/Part 1. The report outlines the approach taken by the TWG, including consultations with enrichment technology holders and the receipt of written comments on conversion and miscellaneous items. The report highlights the progress made in addressing enrichment items and proposes entries for the Annex. Concerns and comments regarding conversion and miscellaneous items are also discussed. The report concludes by indicating the next steps, including the organization of a TWG meeting to finalize the work and communicate the results to the NSG Chair, with the aim of seeking agreement and coordinating the necessary changes to the Annex.