Page 14 from DEFE 70-2838
This confidential message discusses the ongoing efforts to secure Ukrainian accession to the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty). The Americans are pressing the Russians to provide a draft text of assurances, with NATO actions seen as supplementary to possible US/Russia/UK actions. Despite heavy pressure, Berdennikov has yet to provide a draft text of possible Russian assurances to the UK. The Americans have emphasized the dwindling time for action before the Rada addresses the NPT and START. Tough talking has taken place with Ukraine, linking action on the NPT and START to the release of SSD (Safe, Secure, and Dismantlement) funds. Alliance action to secure Ukrainian NPT accession was discussed, with the understanding that it should complement US efforts. NATO discussions are not an alternative but a complement to the main US strategy of repackaged assurances and offering SSD funds.