Pages 69-70 from rg 0380 ud-wx-1343-q container 3


This telegram discusses the French position on safeguards in relation to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The French ambassador relayed the French response to questions regarding safeguards. The ambassador reiterated the French position on the NPT as a whole, stating that France will not sign but does not object to others signing. The French government cannot provide official views on Article III in advance, as there are US and Soviet texts. The ambassador mentioned that France would not object to any of the five nuclear-weapon states entering into bilateral arrangements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for accepting safeguards. However, France itself would not accept IAEA safeguards on its own facilities. The ambassador was vague about French attitudes towards IAEA safeguards being applied to Euratom-owned facilities on French territory and would seek further clarification. The telegram concludes by noting that further discussions and analysis of the French position are needed before presenting it in NAC (North Atlantic Council) or Euratom Commission circles.