Pages 47-50 from FCO 66911 - Nuclear Suppliers Group; Policy - 1977
The document discusses an alternative approach to full-scope safeguards for non-nuclear weapon states. Under this approach, the United States would supply nuclear materials only if the recipient's existing facilities are under safeguards, either through a comprehensive safeguards agreement or individual project agreements. The recipient would need to notify the supplier in advance of any intention to construct unsafeguarded facilities. Countries like Brazil could qualify if they build no unsafeguarded facilities. The document also addresses the issue of countries with existing unsafeguarded facilities, suggesting they place those facilities under safeguards. However, they may remove them from safeguards in the future without violating any international agreement. The document acknowledges the difficulty of verifying the stockpiles of unsafeguarded nuclear materials in such countries. It suggests that the proposed safeguards regime, while weaker than full-scope safeguards, could serve as a practical deterrent. The document also mentions the need to pursue a moratorium on sensitive nuclear activities to minimize access to weapons-usable material.