Pages 4-8 from FCO 96_1068 - POST INFCE - Nuclear trade and non-proliferation


This document outlines a policy proposal for non-proliferation and nuclear trade after the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Exercise (INFCE). The idea of a "Declaration of Intent" on international nuclear trade and non-proliferation was initially considered but proved too ambitious for Summit partners. Instead, a pragmatic piecemeal approach, referred to as the "building block approach," is favored by most OECD partners. The document lists various measures, including wider acceptance of full fuel cycle safeguards, technical improvements in safeguards, international management of plutonium, and assurance of supply. The focus is on promoting a balance between conditions of supply required of customers and assurances of supply given by suppliers. The document suggests that non-proliferation policy should be developed through the IAEA and proposes the establishment of an IAEA Committee on assurances of supply. It emphasizes the importance of achieving a consensus on non-proliferation policy and urges the acceptance of full fuel cycle safeguards by all countries. The document seeks endorsement for this policy and outlines key points to be included in a statement at the INFCE Plenary.