Pages 22-28 from FCO 96991 - Non-Proliferation 'Grey Areas' 1979
The Zangger Committee was formed in the 1970s to discuss the application of IAEA safeguards to nuclear exports. The committee aimed to create a "Trigger List" of items subject to safeguards. The UK played a significant role in keeping the Trigger List as short as possible to identify sensitive items. The list included items like complete reactors and reactor components that were readily identifiable and essential for the reactor's operation. However, items such as primary coolant pumps and spent fuel shipping casks were excluded. The committee also discussed the inclusion of fuel charging and discharging machines, reactor pressure tubes, zirconium tubes, zero energy reactors, graphite, and chemical and metallurgical equipment for fuel fabrication, fuel reprocessing, and uranium isotope separation plants. The discussions involved defining criteria and reaching compromises based on technical considerations and international acceptance.