Pages 22-23 from FCO 452131 - South African Nuclear Situation



This confidential note provides an update on South African nuclear intentions. In response to Soviet allegations of nuclear weapons development, the UK, US, and France made strong representations to South Africa, urging adherence to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to alleviate international concerns. The South African government expressed willingness to discuss immediate adherence to the NPT, with the condition of raising related matters, including perceived discrimination in the supply of fuel elements by the US. The UK reiterated the call for NPT adherence and emphasized the need for international inspection of the Valindaba pilot enrichment plant. The note highlights that Valindaba's construction was recently completed, and while its initial purpose was low enriched uranium production for power reactors, it could be adapted for highly enriched uranium production for nuclear explosives. The possibility of weapons-grade uranium production exists during the period before South African adherence to the NPT and the establishment of international safeguards at Valindaba.