Pages 20-23 from FCO 66844 Nuclear Suppliers Group Policy 1976
This is a confidential letter from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London regarding the Nuclear Suppliers Meeting held in London on 3-4 June 1976. The letter provides a summary of the meeting's discussions and outcomes. The main points covered in the letter are:
Publicity: Some delegations, particularly the Swedes, advocated for making the existence of the Group public to avoid suspicion from recipient governments. However, others argued that maintaining confidentiality would be better to preserve the flexibility and effectiveness of the Group.
Expansion: There were discussions about the enlargement of the Group, with suggestions to include more countries. However, some delegations, particularly the Americans, recommended deferring any decision until a later review meeting. It was agreed to invite Switzerland and Poland to join the Group.
Consultation: The need to establish better relationships with developing countries was discussed, and it was agreed that individual members should explain the motives and results of the Group to seek better understanding. The Zangger Committee would also work to enlarge its membership and include suitable developing countries.
Plutonium Management: The US delegation circulated two papers on plutonium management, which were discussed and approved for further examination by a study group. Full fuel cycle safeguards were still seen as the best addition to the existing guidelines.
Physical Protection: The report by the Working Group on Physical Protection was discussed and approved with some amendments. An official text was awaited from the American delegation.
The letter concludes by mentioning the positive atmosphere and the decision to hold the next review meeting in London. Copies of the letter were sent to various embassies and relevant government officials.
Please note that this summary is based on the provided text and may not include all details or context.