Pages 18-19 from FCO 661098 - Nuclear Suppliers Group 1978


The document is a summary of a conversation between two individuals, discussing the French attitude towards a further meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and the American position on nuclear suppliers. The French expressed hesitations about the need for a meeting and believed that the overall results would be negative. They were not convinced of the necessity for amendments to the Guidelines or enlargement of the NSG. The Americans had previously shown a more practical approach to non-proliferation goals, but recently their position seemed to have worsened. The French and Americans may have misunderstood each other's positions. The French remained suspicious of institutionalization of the NSG and were opposed to formal consultation within the group. They wanted the Group to automatically expand with countries willing to adhere to the Guidelines. The conversation also touched on the subject of enrichment and upcoming meetings of the Ministerial Committee on nuclear export policy.