Pages 14-15 from FCO 66751 - United States Proposal for Common Nuclear Export Policies



The communication discusses the United States' view on seeking a follow-on to the Zangger Arrangements and their engagement in bilateral discussions with several countries regarding the export of nuclear equipment and technology. The Zangger Committee's association with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) made it unacceptable to some important nuclear exporters like France. The US aims to reach a unified approach to exports, ensuring all exports are placed under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards, regardless of NPT status. They also seek agreements on prohibiting military use, uranium enrichment, reprocessing, and physical safeguards. The US appreciates Australia's interest in a Zangger follow-on but urges them to await the outcome of the ongoing discussions. Australia may be included in future consultations. The US wants to limit consultations to principal suppliers at this stage. The US plans to address the reprocessing issue and persuade other exporters against establishing national reprocessing facilities. They believe joint ventures for uranium enrichment provide better guarantees against diversion for non-peaceful purposes. The knowledge of these consultations should be protected.