Pages 2-4 from FCO 96949 - Nuclear Power Matters In Pakistan 1979


This is a secret communication from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office regarding Pakistan's nuclear weapons development. It states that Pakistan is making rapid progress in its clandestine nuclear program, particularly with the development of a gas centrifuge enrichment facility. The document mentions the importance of a component called "bellows" for Pakistan's centrifuge equipment and the potential role of a French company, Calorstat SA, as a major supplier.

The UK and the US are concerned about the supply of bellows to Pakistan, and the Americans have already approached the French government to halt the supply. The document suggests that the UK should reinforce this request and express their concern to the French authorities, as cutting off or significantly reducing the supply of bellows could deal a serious blow to Pakistan's program.

The UK has detained a consignment of bellows manufactured in Ireland and destined for Pakistan, and they have made representations to the Irish authorities to prevent further exports. There is a possibility that future shipments may be routed through mainland European airports for transshipment on Pakistan International Airlines flights, so the French authorities are urged to be vigilant and stop any attempts at transshipment through Paris.

The document also mentions that the UK is reviewing Pakistan's remaining requirements for the centrifuge program and considering further actions to frustrate their weapons program. Additionally, information on discussions between France and Pakistan regarding reprocessing technology and Pakistan's intentions in this field would be useful.

The State Department in Washington should be informed of the actions taken by the UK regarding the detention of the bellows and the representations made to the Irish and French authorities.

Copies of the communication were sent to various individuals and departments, including the British Embassy in Paris, the US Embassy in Islamabad, the British High Commission in New Delhi, and officials from the Cabinet Office, MOD, and other relevant organizations.
