Page 60 from FCO 551200 - Implementation of Article III of the non-proliferation treaty 1973


The document is a confidential message from Moscow to an undisclosed recipient, likely related to nuclear matters. It reports on a bilateral discussion between the UK resident representative to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and his advisers with the Russian authorities. The Russians tacitly expressed acceptance of the proposals regarding procedural matters put forward in July. However, there was a lengthy and inconclusive discussion about whether the proposals in the "Labontz paper" concerning the termination of safeguards agreements should be presented to the IAEA Board or handled through bilateral talks. The document suggests alternative approaches, including the Director-General announcing the intention to proceed with the proposals or preparing a new agreement as a precedent. Another unresolved issue was the future operations of the Zangger Committee, with the Russians suggesting continuing bilateral discussions with the Americans, while the Americans preferred a different approach. The Russians promised to provide specific feedback, but the details of their concerns are not mentioned in the document.