Page 32 from FCO 96_1386 - urenco - export policy
This confidential document summarizes a meeting with Professor Zangger in Berne regarding nuclear export policy and the trigger list. Zangger expressed the view that existing obligations under the London Guidelines were insufficient and called for a comprehensive list that includes reactors and conversion to UF6. He noted that the current lists were outdated and needed updating due to technological advancements. Zangger suggested that the London Suppliers Group (LSG) was not the appropriate forum for the next stage and that the Zangger Committee, seen as the NPT interpreting committee, would be more acceptable. He proposed creating an informal list of developing countries to integrate them into the Zangger Committee. Regarding trigger items related to centrifuge enrichment, Zangger suggested that representatives of the relevant countries should meet to agree on a suitable list before discussing it within the Zangger Committee. The document is copied to other officials for their information.