A gentleman's Agreement


The New Scientist article discusses the "London Club" of nuclear exporting countries, which aims to control the spread of nuclear technology and prevent its use for producing nuclear weapons. The Club consists of 14 members, including major nuclear exporters such as the US, USSR, UK, France, and Canada. The members have agreed to adopt guidelines that control the export of certain nuclear materials, equipment, and technology. These guidelines are not legally binding but rely on the goodwill of the members. The article highlights the weaknesses of the London Club compared to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and discusses the need for stronger global measures to prevent nuclear proliferation. It also mentions the efforts of President Ford and his successor President Carter to promote non-proliferation policies. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of supporting the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its role of verifying and preventing nuclear proliferation.

Place Published

New Scientist