Pages 79-80 from Box 91139 - 91141 and Box 91143 - 91144 - Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate-4

Full Title

Pages 79-80 from Box 91139 - 91141 and Box 91143 - 91144 - Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate


This situation report provides updates on the Israeli attack on Iraqi nuclear facilities. The report states that the US Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) in Tel Aviv is meeting with Israeli Intelligence Chief General Sagi to obtain clarification requested by the US government. The report mentions that Israel plans to downplay the attack if asked about it and that they will not provide details on the equipment used. Some US embassies have requested stronger US reaction to the attack for use with host governments. The report also includes information from Baghdad, stating that the Iraqi public is aware of the Israeli raid but local rumors have not yet alleged damage to nuclear facilities. Iraqi media has not mentioned the raid. The Italian Ambassador reports some Iraqi casualties but no French or Italian casualties. The report further provides clarifications obtained from General Sagi, including details about the target, the number and type of bombs used, and the effectiveness of the attack. It also mentions the lack of casualties among French and Italian personnel and the Israeli motive to avoid radiation problems once the reactor was charged.