Pages 73-78 from Box 91139 - 91141 and Box 91143 - 91144 - Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate-3



This message from Ambassador Lewis provides background information on the Israeli strike on an Iraqi nuclear facility. It highlights the history of the dialogue between the United States and Israeli Prime Minister Begin regarding the Iraqi nuclear program. Begin expressed concerns about Iraq's nuclear weapons development and asked for assistance in stopping further uranium shipments to Iraq. The United States reassured Begin diplomatically and sought to influence French and Italian cooperation with Iraq. The dialogue continued, and intelligence was shared, but no further meetings took place. The strike eventually occurred, damaging diplomatic efforts in the region. Begin stated that the decision to attack the reactor was made months earlier, and the opportunity was deemed propitious. Electoral considerations may have played a role, but the primary concern was eliminating the reactor before it became operational. The message includes a list of relevant messages exchanged during this period.