Pages 54-55 from Box 91139 - 91141 and Box 91143 - 91144 - Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate-2
This is a flash message from the US Department of State regarding an Israeli strike against Iraqi nuclear facilities. The message instructs the recipients to immediately contact the host government and the Secretary-General of NATO to report that the Israeli government notified the US that Israeli aircraft had attacked the Iraqi nuclear facility at Tuwaitha. The State Department states that they have no further information on the incident and are urgently seeking clarification and further details from the Israelis. The initial estimate suggests that the overall damage, including casualties, is limited to the immediate vicinity of the installation, based on preliminary information about the facility. The US government offers assistance in monitoring any nuclear effects and dealing with related problems upon request. It emphasizes that they had no prior knowledge of the Israeli action and will provide additional information once available.