Pages 24-25 from Nixon. NSSM. Box H-182


Date is approximate

This memorandum, authored by Henry A. Kissinger for the President, addresses the request made by the British government for assistance in a two-year project called Super Antelope. The project aims to improve the effectiveness of the British Polaris missile system against Soviet ABM defenses. The assistance requested includes analysis, design critiques, access to US underground nuclear tests, and possibly the use of White Sands Proving Ground for flight tests. The British government has not yet decided to deploy the system and is also considering other options such as developing a MIRV or requesting Poseidon missiles.

The interagency study conducted on the British request reveals that State, Defense, JCS, and the AEC recommend providing assistance throughout the project definition phase and even beyond. They suggest considering future requests for support on post-project definition projects. However, ACDA advises caution and recommends no commitments to assistance in the production phase until the British have decided to proceed and the results of SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) are clearer.

CIA points out potential risks, including strained relations with France and potential conflicts with UK entry into the European Community, which may view closer US-UK defense ties as incompatible.

The memorandum recommends proceeding with assistance through the project definition phase but not committing to longer-term cooperation until the success of the project and the British government's decision to deploy it are determined. A NSDM (National Security Decision Memorandum) is proposed to confirm the decision to assist the British while allowing for a review of further assistance if requested by the British government. The NSC Under Secretaries Committee would be responsible for overseeing the project.

The memorandum concludes with a recommendation for the President to approve the NSDM confirming assistance to the UK on Super Antelope through the project definition phase.