Pages 22-23 from Nixon. NSSM. Box H-182
date is approximate.
This memorandum from the National Security Council (NSC) addresses US-UK nuclear relations regarding the UK Super Antelope missile improvement program. The President approves US assistance to the UK during the Project Definition phase, but this does not commit the US to continued assistance if the UK decides to produce and deploy the improved system. The President will review and decide on further assistance at a later date. The US reserves the right to review certain aspects of assistance, such as the presence of UK personnel at US nuclear tests or the use of US missile test ranges. The UK should be informed that successful project outcomes are not guaranteed due to limited US experience in some areas. The Departments of State and Defense will inform the UK of the decision and request a joint intelligence study on Soviet ABM capabilities. The NSC Under Secretaries Committee will coordinate assistance to the UK, and periodic status reports should be sent to the President. Sensitive aspects of cooperation should be referred to the committee and, if necessary, to the President. The cooperation is classified, and the UK should be made aware of its sensitive nature. The Atomic Energy Commission is authorized to allocate space to the UK at US underground nuclear effects tests, but decisions on UK personnel presence at future tests will be referred to the committee. The proposed cooperation will be informed to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. The memorandum is signed by Henry A. Kissinger, and copies are sent to other relevant authorities.