Draft Gilpatric Committee Report

Full Title

Pages 81-100 from Roswell Gilpatric Personal Papers 9-34-c-4-4



This is a document discussing the prevention of nuclear weapon proliferation. The committee acknowledges the diversity of opinions on the feasibility and costs of preventing nuclear proliferation within the government. However, they unanimously agree that preventing the spread of nuclear weapons is in the national interest and urge the United States to increase its efforts urgently. They recommend pursuing multilateral agreements, such as non-proliferation agreements and a comprehensive test ban. The committee also discusses policies toward specific countries like Japan, Israel, and the Soviet Union. They emphasize the importance of peaceful uses of atomic energy and suggest revising policies toward China. Additionally, they address the United States' weapons policies, including overseas deployments and physical security. The document concludes by suggesting arms control agreements with the Soviet Union and the re-evaluation of defense requirements.