Soviet Atomic Energy Volume 19, Number 1

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Body: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001-5 Volume 19,,Nu1riber 1 July; 1965. ( ATOMHAfl 3HEPI1411, (ATOMNAY/.%` iNERGIYA) - , TRANSLATED FROM RUSSIAN' , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001:5 , CONSULTANTS BUREAU \ r , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP16-02196R000700026001-5 ? r ? - .1 NEW BOOKS (111 , PLASMA PHYSICS PHYMP$ ? ? ? y, I REVIEWS OF PLASMA PHYSICS A'system`atic:multqvolume review of the present status of plasma theory, serying,both' as an introduction for ' students and for researchers enterifig the f,ield, and as 1 a convenient, authoritative, Up.'to-date,presentation,of current knoWledge for W'orkers irrplasma pOsics. This. continuing series, prepared by 'internationally; known - Soviet,experts in specific fields,'isi.Under the editorship 'of Academician M. A-;-LeorntOvich, of the Kurchatov In- ? -stitute' of Atomic Energy: Each yolume contains a nurn- - ? ber,of integrated tutorial reviewa, covering in depth a'nd ' in breadth specific aspeCts of,the,theory of, the given field of plasma physics. Jn manyicases, new material is presented. Translated by Herberi?Lashinsky, University ? - of Maryland. , ? , ? ? ,yolume comprehensfve'introduction to "classical' plasma physics, contains authoritati\;e1 Papers on: 'Motionof Charged Particles in ElectromagnetIc Fiejs in the Drift Approximation, D. V. Sivukhin ? Particle ? Interactions in a Fully Ionized Plasm, B. A. Trub:., nikov ' Traneloort .Processee in' a Pia-erne, S, I. Bia- ginskii, ? Thermodynamics ,of a' Plasma, A. A. Vedneov. Much ,of the material in the first two papers presehted,here for the first time.-Although the theo; ?? retital- analyses are quite advanced, the experimental . aspects of the subject are kept firmly in view through- out: This i's. especially true of the article on tranaport phenomena, in which the kinetic approach -is developed , 'in ?parallel with qualitative, physical descriptions Of ,' transport phenomena, including some of the less famil-1 iar "transverse- thermal trarisport effects in plasmas ? ? / ? r 1. The results of measurements for a number of elements with considerable variations in sample thickness (and hence mean number of collisions n) and also absorbent concentration showed that, within experimental error, the absorption cross sections did not depend on the conditions in question; this indicates the smallness of the effect. The final values of absorption cross sections and their errors, allowing for measurements on different samples, were found by averaging the results obtained by means of the long counter and the water tank. For individual samples there were slight discrepancies between the data obtained from the long counter and the water tank, apparently due to the scattering of fast neutrons. In these cases the over-all error increased accordingly. Results. Table 1 gives the results of the experiments and data obtained by analysis. The cases of diluted absorbent are indicated by the symbol (b); R1 and R2 are the internal and external radii of the samples respectively. 861 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001-5 The samples are characterized by the total microscopic transport absorption cross section o, and also by the average number of collisions nz with absorbent nuclei. The results of the measurements are the values of the absorbed proportion of neutrons expressed in percent (5* after introducing the corrections), and the corresponding absorption cross section expressed in millibarns (nib). Table 1 takes account of all the corrections mentioned above, except an insignificant correction for the softening of the neutron spectrum in the beryllium can of the source. The latter correction is introduced in the final averaged results for the absorption cross sections given in Table 2. CONCLUSIONS The results of our investigations (see Table 2) agree closely with those of Schmitt and Cook obtained by an analogous method [2], if we disregard their computed correction for the effect of resonance blocking, except for the value of 0a for lead. Satisfactory agreement is found with the results of experiments in which, for absolute cali- bration of the relative Ga (E) relation, parameters of isolated resonances, thermal absorption cross sections [7-10], or data of spherical geometry [11] were used. In this connection it is interesting to elucidate the causes of the discrepancy between the results of the investigations mentioned and the data of methods using the fission cross section of U235 for calibration [12, 13]. In conclusion the authors express thanks to A. I. Leipunskii and 0. D. Kazachkovskii for constant interest in the work, and also N. A. Artemov, V. V. Piskunova, Yu. M. Nikitin, and L. E. Fedorov for help in adjusting the apparatus, in the measurements, and in analyzing the results. LITERATURE CITED 1. T. S. Belanova, Zht TF, 34, 574 (1958). 2. H. Schmitt and C. Cook, Nucl. Phys., 20, 202 (1960). 3. Yu. Ya. Stavisskii et al., "Atomnaya energiya," 15, 489 (1963). 4. 0. Hanson and J. McKibben, Phys. Rev., 72, 673 (1947). 5. H. Bethe, J. Beyster, and R. Carter, J. Nucl. Energy, 3, 207 (1956). 6. D. Hughes and J. Hazvey, Neutron Cross Sections, BNR-325 (1958). 7. V. A. Konks, Yu. P. Popov, and F. L. Shapiro, Zhg TF, 46, 80 (1964). 8. Yu. P. Popov and F. L. Shapiro, ZhE TF, 42, 988 (1962)7 9. A. A. Bergmann et al., In the book "Material of the International Conference on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1955)." Vol. 4, [in Russian] (1956), p. 166. 10. M. Moxon and E. Rae, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods, 24, 445 (1963). 11. J. Gibbons et al. Phys. Rev., 122, 182 (1961). 12. B. Diven et al. Phys. Rev., 120, 556 (1960). 13. S. Cox, Phys. Rev., 133, B378 (1964). 862 All abbreviations of periodicals in the above bibliography are letter-by-letter transliter- ations of the abbreviations as given in the original Russian journal. Some or all of this peri- odical literature may well be available in English translation. A complete list of the cover- to- cover English translations appears at the back of this issue. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001-5 STUDY OF THE INTERACTION OF RESONANCE NEUTRONS WITH NUCLEI ON THE LINEAR ACCELERATOR IN SACLAY* UDC 539.172.4) F. Netter (Center for Nuclear Studies, Department of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics, Saclay, France) Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 8-14, July, 1965 Original article submitted January 13, 1965 Work on the interaction between resonance neutrons and nuclei now being carried out on the linear accelerator in Saclay is described. Objects for study are nuclei of the following elements: Al, V, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Br, Y, Z, Nb, Mo, Ag, Ba, La, Pr, Nd, Tm, W, Pt, Au, Hg, U238. The main aim of the work is to study the statistical properties of resonance parameters. We describe an apparatus for measuring total cross sections, capture cross sections, and partial radiative transitions. At the present time a resolution of 0.3 nseam is achieved for a flight distance of 103 m, enabling experiments to be made for neutrons up to 80 keV energy. The analysis of the results is briefly described and methods of identifying resonances with spins are considered. From the results obtained, the statistical properties of the scattering widths are analyzed and the statistical properties of the radiative widths considered. The linear electron accelerator in Saclay [1, 2] is used by the Tzar group for studies on fundamental nuclear physics in the field of photonuclear reactions. The rest of the time it is used for producing neutrons for time-of- flight analysis. Two groups operating in the field of neutron physics simultaneously employ the five beams available. The group headed by Jolie is associated with nuclear reactors and in the main carries out research on heavy (espe- cially fissile) nuclei. In this article we consider studies on nuclear physics carried out since 1958 by the other group, associated with the Department of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics. This group contains Julien, Huynh, Morgenstern, Samur, Netter, and also Corge and Bianchi, specialists in the analysis of experimental data on electronic computers. Also taking part in the work of the grOup are the foreign students Simik and de Barros and Colmaine University lecturers le Poittevin and Vastel. Direction of Research For studying interactions with resonance neutrons, nuclei were chosen mainly from the neighborhood of the force function maximum with mass numbers close to 60, 140, and 190, and also with mass numbers close to 75 for the neutron s-wave and 100 for the neutron p-wave. Nuclei were also chosen near the force-function minimum (mass number 100 for the s-wave). We also studied nuclei close to those with filled shells of 50, 82, and 126 neu- trons. We studied nuclei of the elements Al, V, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Br, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag, Ba, La, Pr, Nd, Tm, W, Pt, Au, Hg, U238. In some cases (Al, Zn) we were able to observe new resonances [3], determine the spins of known resonances (Ag) [4], or examine the statistical distribution of levels (U238) [5]. In general, however, we systematically studied the statisticaly properties of the resonance parameters. The main direction of the experiments was to measure simultaneously the total effective cross section (by transmission) and capture cross section, and to study the relative intensities of the radiative transitions observed in the resonances, with simultaneous use of three time-of-flight bases. In each case everything possible was done to *Translation from French. 863 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001-5 864 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000700020001-5 ? !. >a; ? : ? determine the spin of the resonance in question. Statis- tical effects cannot be interpreted correctly unless they relate to a family of resonances having the same spin. For example, for s-neutrons and target nuclei with spin I there are two different families of resonances with spins J,= I +1/2 and JL= I ?1/2. 0 Furthermore, in order to obtain the essential statis- tics, one must study a fair number of resonances. Earlier, a. such investigations were carried out only for certain ? heavy nuclei, for example, platinum [6]. At the present time experiments on transmission are being made with a resolution better than 1 nsec/m, which offers the pos- ? sibility of studying resonance levels of medium nuclei, such as cobalt [7], in the energy range up to 30 keV; a. not long after reaching the limiting resolution of 0.3

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