Soviet Atomic Energy Vol. 49, No. 4

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Body: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800040004-9 < Russian Original vol. 49,.Alo. 4, October, 1980 April, 1981 SATEAZ 49(4) 657-710 (1980) SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY ATOMHAR 3HEP11111 (ATOMNAYA gNERGIYA) TRANSLATED FROM RUSSIAN CONSULTANTS BUREAU, NEW YORK Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800040004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800040004-9 S011tET: Soviet Atomic Energy is a translation of Atomnaya Energiya, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. An agreement with the Copyright Agency of the USSR (VAAP) ?- ATOMIC makes available both advance copies of the Russian journal and original glossy photographs and artwork. This serves to decrease the necessary,, time lag between publication of the original and ? ENERGY publication' of the translation and helps to improve the quality of the latter. The translation began with the first issue of the Russian journal., Soviet Atomic Energy is abstracted or in- dexed in Chemical Abstracts, Chemical. Titles, Pollution Abstracts, Science Re- search Abstracts; Parts A and B, Safety Science Abstracts Journal, Current Con- tents, Energy Research Abstracts, and Engineering Index, ? Editorial Board of Atomnaya Energiya: Editor: 0. D. Kazachkovskii Associate Editors: N. A. Vlasov and,N; N. Ponomarev:Stepnoi Secretary: A. I. Artemov I. N. Golovin V. V. Matveev V. I. II 'ichev I. D. Morokhciv V. E. Ivanov A. A. Naumov - ? ., V. F. Kalinin A. S. Nikiforgy P. L. Kirillov A. S. Shtan' Yu. 1. Koryakin , B. AI Sidorenko A. K. Krasin M. F. Troyailov E. V. Kuloy E. I. Vorob'ev B. NI Laskorin ' I - Copyright ? 1981, Plenum Publishing Corporation. Soviet Atomic Energy partici- pates in the program of Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Th v appearanCe of a code line at the bottom of the first page of an article in this jodrnal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal or internal use. However, this consent is given on the condition thathe copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. for all copying not explicitly permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. It does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale, nor to the reprinting of figures, tables, and tet excerpts. ? Consultants Bureau 'journals appear about six months after the publication of the original Russian issue. For bibliographic accuracy, the English issue published by Consultants Bureau carries the same number and date as the original Russian from which it was translated. For example, "a Russian issue published in December will appear in a Consultants Bureau English translation about the following June, but the translation issue will carry the December date. When ordering any volume Or particu- lar issue of .a Corisultants Bureau journal, please.specify the date and, where appli- cable, the,volume and issue numbers,of the original Russian. The material you will receive will be a translation of that Russian'volume or issue. Subscription (2 volumes per year) Vols. 48 & 49: $335 (domestic); $374 (foreign) Vols. 50& 51: $380 (domestic); $423 (foreign) Single Issue: $50 Single Article: $7.50 CONSULTANTS BUREAU, NEW YORK AND LONDON 9 233 Spring Street New York, New York 10013 -Published monthly. Second-class postage paid at Jamaica, New York 11431. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800040004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800040004-9 SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of Atomnaya Energiya April, 1981 Volume 49, Number 4 October, 1980 CONTENTS Engl./Russ. ARTICLES Chemicotechnological Cycles of Certain Nuclear Power Station Circuits by Means of Sample-Indicators ? V. M. Sedov, P. G. Krutikov, L. I. Loshkova, A. P. Eperin, I. A. Varovin, A. V. Tsykin, A. I. Gromova, V. N. Belous, and V. A. Gosteva ti/ Basic Principles for Ensuring Nuclear Safety in Designs of Transportable 657 211 Packaged Assemblies ? V. P. Il'in, A. N. Kondratrev, and S. G. Lebedenko 663 216 Cesium Vapor Source Based on a Thermal Tube for Loop Thermoemissive Installations ?P. I. Bystrov, V. P. Kirienko, A. N. Popov, and V. V. Sinyavskii 666 219 Estimate of the Errors in Calculating the Criticality and Breeding Coefficients of Fast Power Reactors due to Inaccuracy of the Neutron Data ? P. N. Alekseev, G. N. Manturov, and M. N. Nikolaev 669 221 %," Determination of Burnup and Isotope Composition for Spent VVER-365 Fuel ?A. V. Stepanov, T. P. Makarova, B. A. Bibichev, A. M. Fridkin, A. V. Lovtsyus, L.D.Preobrazhenskaya, A. A. Lypovskii, andA. N. Timofeev 673 225 Use of Carbon Steel with Unmodified Water Treatment at the VK-50 Nuclear Power Station ? A. I. Zabelin, A. B. Andreeva, V. M. Eshcherkin, L. N. Stupina, A. S. Kornilov, V. E. Shmelev, and Yu. V. Chechetkin 678 229 Sputtering of Thin Metallic Films by Fission Fragments ?I. S. Bitenskii 682 232 Cross Section for the Formation of Gamma-Quanta during the Interaction of Fast Neutrons with Carbon, Lead, and Rhenium Nuclei ? M. V. Savin, Yu. A. Khokhlov, I. N. Paxamonova, V. A. Chirkin, V. N. Ludin, and N. N. Zalyalov 686 236 Group and Total Cross Sections of Formation of y-Ray Quanta upon the Interaction of 14-MeV Neutrons with Various Nuclei ? V. M. Bezotosnyi, V. M. Gorbachev, M. S. Shvetsov, and L. M. Surov 690 239 232T,, 2:1R ---U, and 40K Concentrations in Various Types of Photomultipliers ? E. L. Kovalichuk, A. A. Smolinikov, and A. Kh. Temmoev 695 242 Sodium Target for a Negative-Ion Injector ? B. A. Diyachkov, A. I. Krylov, V. V. Kuznetsov, and N. N. Semashko 699 246 Particle Acceleration in an HF Field Inhomogeneous over Its Cross Section ? B. I. Bondarev and A. P. Durkin 706 251 The Russian press date (podpisano k pechati) of this issue was 9/22/1980. Publication therefore did not occur prior to this date, but must be assumed to.have taken place reasonably soon thereafter. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800040004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800040004-9 ARTICLES CHEMICOTECHNOLOGICAL CYCLES OF CERTAIN NUCLEAR POWER STATION CIRCUITS BY MEANS OF SAMPLE-INDICATORS V. M. Sedov, P. G. Krutikov, L. I. Loshkova, A. P. Eperin, I. A. Varovin, A. V. Tsykin, A. I. Gromova, V. N. Belous, and V. A. Gosteva UDC 621.311.25.621.039 A study of the water?chemical cycle of nuclear power station systems suggests both observation for the water medium [1] and an investigation of the physicochemical state of the internal metal surface of the systems, in particular of the oxidation products of the metal and the state of the metal itself [2-4]. The quality charac- teristics of the water medium of the circuits associated with a reactor of the RnMK type (cassette cooling ponds, intermediate circuit of the purging secondary cooler, the cooling circuit of the control and safety rod channels and of the biological shield) over the period investigated (1977-1978) are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1. Quality Characteristics of the Coolant in the Circuits Associated with the Reactor of a Nuclear Power Station Nuclear power station circuit x, ?mho/ cm pII Jo, ?g-equiv/ kg Cl-, . ug/kg Fe, lig/kg Al. big/hg SiOr, pg/kg Cooling circuit of the Control and safety rod channels before purification after purification Biological shield cooling circuit Cassette cooling pond Purging secondary cooler intermediate circuit . 0,7-1,8* 5,4-0,5 1,0-2,5 1 , 0-0 ,0 1 , 0-3,0 10-23 25-540 1,0 ? _ ? . ? 6,0 5,4-0,5 1,0 1,0-2,7 1,3 1,0-35 8 1,0-22 14 10-16 220 25-330 5,9 7,5-9,3 1,3 140-430 2,6 42-410 5 195-1000 10 _. ? 100 _ ? 25-210 8,6 6,2-7,5 335 140-900 240 150-2580 460 120-800 7,0 5,8-8.3 590 1',0-50 1140 1,0-80 560 100-4100 6,8 17 29 1150 110 Nuclear power station circuit big/kg 11202, lig/kg NII3,002, pg/kg m 02 g/kg mg/kg NO, ; pg/kg ,NO- ligag Cooling circuit of the control and safety rod channels before purification after purification Biological shield cooling circuit Cassette cooling pond Purging secondary cooler intermediate circuit_ >0 without parametric resonance, where 1, and ? denote the frequencies of the longitudinal and transverse oscillations, respectively. The particle motion in the direction of the accelerator axis can be described with the Er value averaged over the period of the transverse oscillations. In this case, mr

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