Soviet Atomic Energy Vol. 47, No. 6

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Body:  Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 1x Russian Original Vol. 47, No. 6, December, 1979 June, 1980 SATEAZ 47(6) 971-1094 (1979) SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY ATOMHAA 3HEPrI4H (ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA) TRANSLATED FROM RUSSIAN CONSULTANTS BUREAU, NEW YORK Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 SOVIET ATOMIC. ENERGY Soviet Atomic Energy is a cover-to-cover translation of Atomnaya Energiya, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. An agreement with the-Copyright Agency of the USSR (VAAP) makes available both advance copies of the Russian journal and ,original glossy, photographs and artwork. This serves to decrease the necessary time lag between publication of the original and publication of the translation and helps-to improve the quality of the' latter., The translation began with the first issue of the Russian journal. -I. N. Golovin V. I. 1l'ic'hev Soviet Atomic Energy is abstracted or in- dexed in Chemical Abstracts, Chemical Titlss, Pollution Abstracts, Science Re- search', Abstracts, Parts A and B, Safety Science Abstracts Journal, Current Con- tents, " Energy Research Abstracts, and Engineering Index, Editorial Board of Atomnaya Energiya.: ,Editor: 0. D. Kazachkovskil Associate Editors: N. A. Vlasov and N. N. Poriomarev-Stepnoi Secretary: A. I.,Artemov - V. E." Ivanov V. F. "Kalinin P. L Kirillov Yu. 1. Koryakin A K. Krasin E. V. Kulov B. N. Laskorin V. V. Matveev 1.' D. Morokhov A. A. Naurnov A. S. Ni"kiforov A. S. Shtan' B. A.. Sidorenko M. F. Troyanov E. I. Vorob'ev Copyright ? 1980, Plenum Publishing Corporation., Soviet Atomic Energy partici- pates in the program of Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. The appearance of a code line at the bottom of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the.article may -be made for personal or internal use. However, this consent is given' on the condition that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. for all copying not explicitly permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. It does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale, nor to the reprinting of figures, tables, and text excerpts.. Consultants Bureau jouinals appear about six months after,the publication of the original ;'Russian issue. For bibliographic accuracy, the English issue published by Consultants Bureau carries the same number and date as the original Russian from which it was translated. For example, a Russian issue published in December will appear in a Consultants Bureau English translation about the following June, but the trafislation issue will carry the December date. When ordering any volume or particu- lar issue of a Consultants Bureau journal, please.specify the date and, where appli- cable, The volume and issue numbers of the original Russian. The material you will receive will be a translation of that Russian volume or issue. Subscription (2 volumes per year) Vols. 46 & 47: $147.50 per volume (6 Issues) . Single Issue.: $50 Vols. 48 & 49: $167.56 per volume (6 Issues) Single Article: $7.50 prices somewhat telpher outside the United States. CONSULTANTS BUREAU, NEW YORK AND LONDON b 227 West 17th Street New York, New York :10011 Published monthly. Second-class postage paid at Jamaica, New York 11431. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of Atomnaya Energiya June, 1980 Volume 47, Number 6 December, 1979 CONTENTS Engl./Russ. Stability Calculation for Large Pressurized-Water Reactors - V. I. Plyutinskii and P. A. Leppik ............................... .971 363 A Three-Pulse Regulator for Controlling the Coolant Temperature in a Fast Reactor under Emergency Conditions - V. A. Afanas'ev, V. M. Gryazev, V. N. Efimov, V. I. Plyutinskii, and A. N. Tyufyagin ........: 976 367 Synthesis of an Unsymmetrical-Zone Control System for Reactor Power Distribution - I. Ya. Emel'yanov, L. N. Podlazov, A. N. Aleksakov, and V. M. Panin ............................................ 979 370 Optimization of Plasma Parameters in a Hybrid Reactor-Tokamak - A. S. Kukushkin and V. I. Pistunovich ................ 983 374 Simulation of Nuclear-Fuel Solvent-Extraction Reprocessing. 7. Separation of Macroscopic Amounts of Plutonium and Uranium by Displacement Reextraction of Plutonium in Reprocessing Fast-Reactor Fuel (Section 1) - t. V. Renard and M. Ya. Zel'venskii ........ 988 377 Linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Graphitic Materials - P. A. Platonov, O. K. Chugunov, V. I. Karpukhin, V. N. Kuznetsov, S. I. Alekseev, and V. P. Golovin ..................... 992 382 Transport of Thermal Neutrons from a Pulsed Source in an Inhomogeneous Moderator with a Large Cavity - Zh. M. Dzhilkibaev and M. V. Kazarnovskii .................. ..... 997 386 Mass Spectrometric Method of Isotopic Analysis of Xenon Formed in Nuclear Fission - Yu. A Shukolyukov, Ya. S. Kapusta, and A. B. Verkhovskii .......................................... 1001 389 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Some Aspects of the Use of Low-Temperature Radiation in Neutron-Activation Analysis of Biological Materials - L. M. Mosulishvili and N. E. Kuchava ................................ ......... 1005 392 Boron Control of Water-Moderated Water-Cooled Power Reactor during Operation under Variable Loads - E. I. Ignatenko and Yu. N. Pytkin............................................... 1007 393 Optimization of Probe Device for Selective y -y Borehole Logging - D. K. Galimbekov and B. E. Lukhminskii .................... 1009 394 Angular Distribution of Gamma Dose Rate at Deep Penetrations - N. L. Kuchin, K. K. Popkov, and I. N. Trofimov ..................... 1011 396 Stripping of Uranium Ions of Energy over 60 GeV - E. L. Duman and L. I. Men' shikov......................................... 1014 398 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 CONTENTS (continued) Engl./Russ. Effect of Reactor Radiation on Thermoelectric Thermometers - A. A. Fraktovnikova, M. I. Redchenko, and A. S. Kruglov .................... 1016 399 .Some Distinctive Features of the Spectra of Delayed Neutrons - B. P.. Maksyutenko, A. A. Shimanskii, Yu. F. Balakshev, and S. F. Gritskevich ....... ................................ 1019 401 New Data on the Alpha Decay of 242mAm - S. A. Baranov, V. M. Shatinskii, and L. V. Chistyakov ..... ........ ............................. 1022 404 New Measurements of the Partial Half-Lives of an Isomeric State of 242mAm - A. G. Zelenkov, V. A. Pchelin, Yu. F. Rodionov, L. V. Chistyakov, and V. M. Shubko .................................... 1024 405 Determination of Reactivity. Excess from Results of Critical and Subcritical Experiments - A. Yu. Gagarinskii, O. E. Zhukov, A. F. Zaitsev, V. V. Petrov, R. R. Sadykov, and L. S. Tsygankov .............................................. ................................ 1025 406 Effects of the. Exit Channel on the Neutron Distribution in Beryllium - V. N. Bogomolov, V. S. Gal'tsov, I. I. Zakharkin, and P. P. Prokudin ................................................ 1027 407 An Eddy-Current Method of Checking for Leaks of Water (Steam) in a Liquid-Metal Coolant - V. N. Tipikin ................................ 1029 409 The Temperature Distribution in a Fuel Pin and Sheath with Radiative Heat Transfer - V. F. Kuznetsov ......................... ............. 1031 410 A Hot-Neutron. Generator with a Zirconium Hydride Rethermalyzer - B. G. Polosukhin, V. G. Chudinov, B. N. Goshchitskii, V. V. Gusev, and M. G. Mesropov ..................................... 1033 412 Effects of Uranium-Ore Segregation in Transport Containers in Rapid Gamma Analysis - L. N. Posik and I. M. Khaikovich .................. 1035 413 Minimum-Deviation Regulation of Xenon Oscillations in a Reactor - B. Z. Torlin ... ... ........................................ 1038 415 Fission Cross Sections of 235U and 238U to Neutrons with an Energy of 14.7 MeV - I. D. Alkhazov, V. N. Dushin, S. S. Kovalenko, O. I. Kostochkin, K. A. Petrzhak, V. I. Shpakov, R. Arlit, V. Wagner, F. Weidhaas, V. Grimm, R. Krause, G. Musiol, H. Ortlepp, and R. Teichner............................................. 1040 416 Experimental Basis for Simulation of Radiation Encountered in Space Flights - E. I. Vorob'ev, E. E. Kovalev, V. A. Sakovich, A. N. Serbinov, O. D. Brill', B. S. Gribov, and Yu. I. Zaborovskii ............... 1043 418 Irradiation Dose of the Population of the Soviet Union from Cosmic Radiation - R. A. Filov and t. M. Krisyuk ............................... 1046 420 OBITUARY In Memory of Aleksei Petrovich Zefirov .................................... 1049 423 CONFERENCES, MEETINGS, AND SEMINARS Automatic System for Reactor Monitoring, Control, and Safety -.P. A. Gavrilov and V. E. Trekhov........ . ............................ 1051 424 Meeting of IAEA Technical Committee on Handling of Tritium-Containing Wastes - B. Ya. Galkin and V. V. Tugolukov .............................. 1052 424 Sixth Session of Soviet-American Coordination Commission on Thermonuclear Energy - G. A. Eliseev .. ...... ................... 1053 425 Soviet-American Meeting on Alternative Thermonuclear Systems - E. E. Yushmanov ... ....................... .................... 1055 427 Soviet-American Meeting on "Problems of the Interface between High-Temperature Plasma and Limiter" - V. A. Abramov ............... 1057 428 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 CONTENTS .(continued) Engl./Buss. Second Meeting of International Working Group on INTOR - V. I. Pistunovich and G. E. Shatalov .................................. 1059 429. European Conference on High-Energy Physics - L. I. Lapidus ..................... 1060 430 Second International Seminar on High-Energy Physics and Field Theory .............. 1062 431 Thrteenth European Meeting on Cyclotrons - N. I. Venikov ......... ......... . 1063 432 BOOK REVIEWS A. N. Kondratenko. Penetration of a Field into Plasma - Reviewed by S. S. Moiseev ........................................ 1065 433 T. Cowling. Magnetic Hydrodynamics - B. P. Maksimenko ....................... 1066 433 INDEX Author Index, Volumes 46-47, 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069 Tables of Contents, Volumes 46-47, 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? . . . 1075 The Russian press date (podpisano k pechati) of this issue was 11/23/1979. Publication therefore did not occur prior to this date, but must be assumed to have taken place reasonably soon thereafter. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 ARTICLES STABILITY CALCULATION FOR LARGE PRESSURIZED-WATER REACTORS V. I. Plyutinskii and P. A. Leppik UDC 621. A pressurized-water reactor has the following forms of instability: neutron-physical (resonance), which is due to the strong feedback from the void coefficient of reactivity, hydraulic (between and within loops), and low-frequency, which is due to the pressure change in the reactor arising from unbalance between the produc- tion and use of heat. Many forms of instability have been discussed elsewhere [1-4]. Although the methods varied, the following general assumptions are used: 1) the point approximation is used for the reactor kinetics; 2) the neutron-physical and hydraulic instabilities are considered as independent, although it has been pointed out [5] that they interact. The stability of a large reactor must be examined on models that incorporate the spatial kinetic effects, as well as the interaction between the hydrodynamic and neutron-physical processes. In particular, it becomes incorrect to assert [1] that the stability of the point model (the fundamental mode for the neutron flux) guaran- tees stability of the higher modes for a reactor with a negative void coefficient of reactivity. Here we consider a method of calculating the stability that incorporates the interaction between the spa- tial hydraulic and neutron-physical effects. The following are the basic assumptions : 1) a linear approximation is used; 2) the pressure in the steam space and the temperature in the circulating water at the inlet to the core are taken as constant (low-frequency oscillations are neglected); 3) the monoenergetic diffusion approximation is used for the kinetics; 4) the reactivity is dependent only on the steam content (full temperature effects are neglected to simplify the expressions); 5) the heat production at point r in the fuel at the time T is proportional to the neutron flux density 4)(r, T); 6) the pressure differences in the coolant at any instant are the same for all the fuel cassettes ; 7) the circulation loop outside the core is one-dimensional. Assumptions 1 and 2 give us the Laplace transform for the neutron-flux density deviation 04'(r, p) as A (D (r, p) = >, a; (p) fj (r), t-o where fi are orthonormalized functions (modes) that are solutions to div (Do grad ft) +Zo (k_-1) /i + uj2ok_fj =0 f; (r) + b (r) grad f, (r) - it = 0 at the outer surface of the core (iD 0 f0). The coefficients in the expansion ai(p) are dependent on the changes in the reactor parameters and are found from (1) div(AD grad (Do)-1-AEl0lk:.-1- kroW0(P)l +Akrn o(Do[1-WN(P)l= E a,(p)(P/v0+2:oko-WR(p)+?tEok'-)f ' (4) i=o The symbols in (1)-(4) are as follows : E is the macroscopic capture cross section; p is the variable in the Laplace transformation; Wo (p) = p~ 0m/(P+gym); n is the vector normal to the surface of the core; subscript m-I 0 denotes values of the parameters corresponding to the unperturbed state; A represents deviations; and the other symbols are as in [6] (Section 1.1). Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 363-367, December, 1979. Original article sub- mitted October 9, 1978; revision submitted June 18, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-0971 $07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 In accordance with assumption 4, the deviations of the physical parameters in the perturbed reactor are dependent only on the steam content cp and can be put in the form AD (r, i) _ (r) A(P (r, i) Lk", (r, ti) _ Tl (r) Dip (r, T) , (5) g A (r, r) = t (r) O(p (r, T) OD (r) OZ (r) (6)- ay - (r) ' - 8W (r) = ay (r) It is possible to use a multiple-group approximation in employing (6) to incorporate the actual neutron spec- trum at each point r. Therefore, the reactivity of the perturbed reactor can be determined by exact calculation of the spatial distribution of the steam content. For this purpose it is best to use numerical methods for determining the complex frequency response for the steam content and other necessary parameters along the channel [7, 8]. This method can be used for the complex frequency response corresponding to the transfer functions W~gij (z, p) and Wqj (z, p), which relate the change in the steam content at each section z in cassette j to the per- turbations on mode i [ai(p) Fi(r)] and to the water flow rate at the inlet to the cassette [ogj (p)] ; these transfer functions allow us to calculate the change in steam content: 0q (r, p) _ ai (p) Wmij (z, p), (7) i=o where [W~ij = W~gij + W pgj (Wkggij + gGj WGgi) ; Wggij~ WGgi] are transfer functions that relate respectively the change in flow rate at the inlet to a cassette and the chhange in total flow rate at the inlet to the core [OG(p)] with the perturbation on mode i, where W-kGj is a transfer function that relates the change Oqj(p) to the perturbation OG(p), and j=j(r); z=z(r). The transfer functions for the perturbation in mode i are determined as the Laplace transforms of the changes in the corresponding parameters in response to changes in the heat production (&qij) in the fuel rods in each cassette in accordance with the law %14ti (z, T) = 9of (Z) ft. (z) 6 (T) (8) fo! (z) .where goj(z) is the heat production in the unperturbed reactor averaged over the cross section of the cassette, d(r) is .a Dirac S function, fij(z) is the mean over the cross section of a cassette for mode i, and fij(z) = fi(r). We substitute (7) and (5) into (4), multiply both parts by ft, and integrate over the volume of the core. Then as the weighting factor E 0k,?o applies to system {fi}, which is orthonormalized, we get of at (p) dtt (p) - per: at (p) iii = Wilt (p) at (p), i=0 t=U - dti = S p) Wwii (z, p) dV + S n" (r, p) Wv,,ti (z, p) dS; (10) V S Sgt igrad fo?grad ft+~fofi [k'--1-k'-WB(p)l+?)Zofft11-WH(p)l; S2i=*/t grad fo?n; Wkt, = (plat +Wk+At)-1 is the transfer function for the kinetics for mode ft and lef = 5 (ftf;/vo) dV is the effec- tive neutron lifetime, l loo =l ; lti 0 for t i.. The integration in the second term in (10) is over the exter- nal surface of the reactor S (it is frequently assumed that SZ? = 0 for large reactors). We get the transfer functions that relate the change in reactor power to changes in water flow rate for the entire loop and for the individual channels. We split up the entire circulation loop into three parts : the core, the rising section, and the descending section (these are referred to by the superscripts co, ri, and de). We assign as the rising section the entire volume of the loop above the core with two-phase flow, while the descend- ing section is all the part with a single-phase flow. For simplicity we assume that the power deviation is described by mode i alone. Then the following is the change in the pressure drop (6,P)I~, across channel j: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 AP (p) _ W Pqi; (p) ai (P) + WPgi (p) Agii (P), (11) where Agij is the increment in the water flow rate at the inlet to the channel the change in mode i and Wkk 1., WP are transfer functions that relate the change in pressure drop across the channel to the pertur- batioA of mode i and to the flow-rate change at the inlet to the channel respectively, whose complex frequency characteristics have already been derived [8]. With assumption 6 we get from (11) that Agii (p) = ai (p) Wggi, (p) +WgGi (p) AG, (p), co W 9Gi = W PG/W Pg;; Wk CO k k gqi; _ (W Pqi - W Pgii)I WPgi; 'V =[L(WPgi) CO COQ k k WP9i = WPG (W Pgi;/WPgi); AG,=EAgii? The increment in the water flow rate at the inlet to the core [AGi(p)] on perturbation in mode i can be co n ACi (p) ai (P) WNgi(P)+Wpgi (P) (13) WPG(P)+W PG (P)+WPG(I') where WrP i is the transfer function that relates the change in pressure difference APrl to the perturbation on mode i (for AG=0), and WVVG and WPG are transfer functions that relate the changes APr1 and Apde to the per- turbations AG. The complex frequency characteristics of WlG and Wqi are determined in accordance with assumption 7 by the method of [2, 9] with the complex frequency characteristics of [8] for the flow rates of water and steam at the exit from the cassette, while W% is determined from the equations of one-phase hydrodynamics. Expressions have been derived for the quantities appearing in (9); we assume that in the stability analysis it is sufficient to restrict consideration to a finite number of modes. Then (9) can be put as the matrix equa- tion A --IIWII?A, (14) where A is a vector with components (ao, al, a2, .., as) ; IIWII is a square matrix of order s +1 having the ele- ments of 11, 0, t=i; Wti(p)=fdii(p)--pltiCti]Wkt(P), gri= t i. Equation (14) allows one to examine those forms of instability which interact; for example, poles in the right half plane for the transfer functions Wti indicate interchannel instability (if there are zeroes in the right half- plane for W%), or~~,~epneral-loop instability (if there are zeros in the right half plane for the transfer func- tion W~S9G+W,}G+~FGIf we neglect the nondiagonal elements in IIWII, analysis of.(14) allows us to judge the stability of the individual modes without considering the coupling between them, e.g., the element Woo(p) de- scribes the kinetics in the point. approximation. However, for a large pressurized reactor it is necessary to consider the mode interaction, as the examples below show. Letvi(w) (i = 0, 1, ..., S) be the eigenvalues of IIWII for p = jw; it can be shown that if the transfer func- tions corresponding to the elements IIWII do not have poles in the right half plane (i.e., there is no hydraulic instability) then it is necessary and sufficient if the system of (14) is to be stable for the hodographs of all the vectors vi(w) not to enclose.the point (1, j0) as w goes from 0 to 00 (by analogy with the Nyquist criterion for one-loop systems) [10]. Also, if the nondiagonal elements of IIWII are small, then the eigenvalues vi are close to the diagonal elements, and in the case of loss of stability we can talk of instability on the individual modes. As the moduli of the elements, of IIWII tend rapidly to zero as i and t increase, there will be little effect on the first eigenvalues (vo, PI, v2) if the dimensions of the matrix are more than three or four, while the higher eigenvalues are small in modulus. Therefore, we can increase the dimensions of the matrix step by step to estimate the number of modes that need be incorporated. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Fig. 1. Hodographs for the complex frequency characteristics of diagonal elements (broken line) and for the eigenvalues (solid line) of the IIWII matrix for N= 100%, Diu=167 kJ/kg (the points show the values of the frequency w is rad ? sec-1). 61 s/ ? r 2 4 6 8 L,n Fig. 2. Stability margin p as a function of diameter L: f--, ) N=100%, Aiu= 115 kJ/kg; (---, ---) N=100%, Diu= 167 kJ/kg; (-?-, - -) N=140%, Aiu=115 kJ/kg. We give as an example the results from a simplified calculation on the stability of a reactor performed in this way; the reactor is considered as radially homogeneous (b = oc at the side surface of the core), while the asymmetry in the heat production over the height of the core is produced by manipulation of the lower and upper boundaries of the reactor (the nonuniformity factor kz =1.5) ; Do, E o, and k? are taken as constant over the colume and the migration length Mo= AD01 is taken as 10 cm. The height of the core in all cases was 3 m, while the diameter of the core varied from 2 to 10 m, with the height of the rising part above the core 6.4 m and the pressure in the reactor 10 MPa. We considered modes with various modes N and various degrees of underheating of the water at the inlet W B; coefficient ij(z) was calculated on the basis of the actual distribution of the parameters over the height of the core as derived via two-group constants, while the coefficients ~(z) and b(z) were taken as zero. The void effect on the reactivity varied from 0.03 to 0.07 under these conditions, while the steam content E at the outlet varied over the range 0.5-0.7. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Figure 1 shows the hodographs for the complex frequency characteristics for the diagonal elements of JIWII corresponding to various modes (the subscripts 00, 11, and 22 refer to the fundamental, the first azimuthal mode, and the first axial mode, respectively), and it also shows the hodographs for the eigenvalues vt(w) (core diameter 4.3 m) for one of these states. To illustrate the effects of the circulation we also show the hodographs for Woo, vo, W22, and v2 calculated on the assumption of a constant total flow rate through the core, as well as the hodograph for vl calculated on the assumption of constant flow rate for the coolant in all channels in the core (in this model, any redistribution of the flow rate between the channels has no effect on vo and v2, but a change in the total loop flow rate affects vl). The divergence of the hodographs for Woo and PO resembles that- for W22 and v2 and shows that the fundamental and first axial modes have substantial interaction (as a result, the stability of both modes is increased). The hodographs for W11 and Pi coincide, since d1o= d12= 0 in this model. The effects of the circulation reduce the stability of all modes, which is very clearly seen for the azi- muthal mode, which becomes unstable in this. state. The interchannel fluctuations in flow rate affect the stability in a large reactor, as is illustrated by Fig. 2 (the measure of the stability margin is the distance p of the corresponding hodograph from the point +1, j0). It has been assumed here that the hydraulic characteristics of the individual channels and of the loop and as a whole (i.e., Wggij and W &i) are independent of the diameter of the core. If the reactor has a core diameter. exceeding some value L', the instability will set in earlier not on the fundamental but on the azimuthal mode. This L' decreases as the hydraulic stability of the channels against interchannel fluctuations falls. The features of the thermophysical processes in large pressurized-water reactors require one to con- sider the spatial kinetics along with the equations of the circulation in the core channels and in the loop as a whole in discussing the stability. The loop circulation generally sometimes has a destabilizing effect on the fundamental mode. Therefore, a large reactor may give rise to loop hydroneutron instability, which is charac- terized by fluctuations in the circulation and the neutron flux. The first axial mode usually has a stabilizing effect on the fundamental mode. In a large reactor, it is possible for there to be a special interchannel hydroneutron instability caused by the interaction between the interchannel hydraulic effects and the azimuthal mode in the neutron flux. A dif- ference from a purely hydraulic instability is that this is dependent on the size of the core. 1. H. Hitchcock, Nuclear Reactor Stability [Russian translation], Gosatomizdat, Moscow (1963). 2. I. I. Morozov and V. A. Gerliga, Stability in Boiling Apparatus [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1969). 3. V. I. Gritskov et al., At. Energ., 25, No. 6, 514 (1968). 4. B. V. Kebadze and V. I. Plyutinskii, At. Energ., 31. No. 2, 89 (1971). 5. S. Zivy and F. Wright, in: Kinetics and Control for Nuclear Reactors (edited by P. A. Gavrilov) [Rus- sian translation], Atomizdat, Moscow (1967), p. 187. 6. L Ya. Emel' yanov, P. A. Gavrilov, and B. N. Seliverstov, Control and Safety in Nuclear Power Reactors [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1975). 7. and N.Ya.Khvostova,L. L. Fishgoit, At. Energ., 25, No. 6, 474 (1968). 8. G. A. Sankovskii, L. L. Fishgoit, and V. I. Plyutinskii, in: Nuclear Science and Technology, Series Nuclear Power Installation Dynamics [in Russian], Issue 2, Izd. TsNllatominform (1977), p. 56. 9. V. M. Rushchinskii and V. I. Khvostova, in: Papers from the Central Complex Automation Research Institute [in Russian], Issue 16, tnergiya, Moscow (1967), p. 237. 10. A. Macfarlane and J. Belletrutti, Automatica, 9, No. 5, 575 (1973). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 A THREE-PULSE REGULATOR FOR CONTROLLING THE COOLANT TEMPERATURE IN A FAST REACTOR UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS V. A. Afanas'ev, V. M. Gryazev,* V. N. Efimov, V. I. Plyutinskii, and A. N. Tyufyagin A fast reactor produces considerable temperature rise in the coolant in the core; therefore, large ther- mal stresses can arise when the emergency protection gear operates, which represent a hazard for the con- structional components. One of the ways of reducing the stresses is to control the coolant flow in such a way that the power-decay curve is similar to the coolant-flow decay. Then the coolant temperature at exit from the reactor will be approximately constant, so the thermal stresses will be minimal. One of the commoner ways of powering the main circulation pump is that used in the BOR-60 (Fig. 1) [1, 21. This includes the synchronous motor SM and the generator G, which supplies the dc motor DC. The speed of the main circulation pump MCP is controlled by including the variable resistor Rv in the exciting winding of the generator, which itself is controlled by the constant-speed motor CS. When the synchronous motor is switched out of the circuit, the kinetic energy is redistributed (by adjustment of the generator exci- tation), and this enables one to control the coolant flow law within fairly wide limits [2]. The BOR-60 has been used in an experiment in which a single-pulse temperature regulator was used to control the generator excitation when the emergency protection gear operates [2]. The signal to the regulator is derived from fast thermocouples at the exit from the fuel-rod assembly. Tests showed that it is possible to maintain the temperature quite accurately under these conditions. However, the fast thermocouples are not very reliable, so it was not possible to use them in the standard control system. Here we consider the scope for controlling the temperature during emergency shutdown by means of sig- nals from slow thermocouples at the exit. As there is considerable lag in the upper volume of the reactor and in the thermocouple, the control performance is improved by making use of pulses generated by the coolant flow and the neutron power level. The purpose of the regulator of Fig. 1 is to maintain the coolant temperature at the exit at the level im- mediately before the emergency. Therefore, the basic control parameter is the temperature tr recorded by the couple. The regulator should maintain the temperature at the value immediately before the emergency, and automatic adjustment of the temperature signal is provided for this purpose. The temperature-deviation sig- nal is generated by a circuit consisting of the adder E3, whose feedback circuit contains the integrator I2. In the normal state, the contact of the relay P is closed. When an unbalance signal appears at the output of E3, the integrator output will vary until the unbalance signal from the adder vanishes, no matter what the absolute value of the temperature at the input. At the instant of the emergency, the contacts of relay P open and the output signal is At=tr - tro, where tro is the coolant temperature at the reactor outlet at the moment preceding the emergency and tr is the current temperature. This signal passes to the adder 2:2 with the adjustment coefficient Kt, which is an adjustable parameter, and then to a relay component, which works with an integrating negative feedback circuit. The parameters Kfb and Tfb of the feedback circuit are also regulator-setting parameters. The relay controls the CS motor. The adder E1 receives signals representing the power levels N and the flow rate G, where the power signal is sup- plied not directly but via the multiplier M, which multiplies the power signal by the signal from the integrator I. This is necessary in order to provide correspondence between the flow rate and power signals before the protection- operates. Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 367-370, December, 1979. Original article sub- mitted May 15, 1978; revision submitted April 23, 1979. 976 0038-531X/'79/4706-0976 $07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 0 L- 0,2 YMCA U Fig. 1. Structural diagram of the temperature regu- lation system. j K}b F_LT Pf7 Fig. 2. Lines of constant value for the rms temperature deviation for KN of 1000 (a) and 600 (b). Fig. 3. The KN dependence of the minimum value of J for power levels of 60 (1) and 20 MW (2). Calculations were performed for 60 and 20 MW in order to determine the optimum regulator settings. The mathematical description of the flow-rate control includes differential equations for the object, the drive, and the regulator. Methods of defining the adjustable parameters for regulators in linearized automatic-control systems are not applicable in this case because of the substantial nonlinearity in the object, and also because the coeffi- cients in the equations are explicit functions of time. Therefore, the optimum regulator settings are derived numerically by comparing various calculations made by computer. The optimality criterion is the minimum rms deviation of the temperature from the initial value during the pump deceleration time Td (it is assumed that this time is the time needed for the flow rate to fall to 5% of the initial value). The integral quadratic criterion J is defined by Td J- 1 (tr-tr,u)2dT, 0 where Td = 80 sec is the deceleration time and T is time. The static control accuracy is governed by Kt: At=AIK1, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 .1,0 0 At,K 10 -10 -20 10 -10 L At, K I 1 -801 1 _L _L .20 40 60 .. z, sec C. 10 Fig. 4 i 2 1. I I I I I 20 3C 40 50 60 z, sec Fig. 4. Calculated transient-response curves for the temperature-control system after operation of the emergency protection: a) curves for fall in power level and coolant flow; b, c) temperature curves for Q0= 60 and 20 MW, respectively; 1, 2) temperatures at the exit from the core and the reactor, respectively. Fig. 5. Transient response with temperature control (solid line) and without con- trol (broken line) in the experiment with operation of the emergency protection: 1, 2) temperatures at the exit from the core and reactor, respectively. where A is the insensitive zone of the relay element. We assume Kt= 1, i.e., At= 10K, and then this static ac- curacy can be obtained with standard temperature regulators. Any improvement on this would require special development, and calculations show that no change is desirable, since the static error of 1?K is much less than the dynamic error. The calculations were performed for various values of Kfb, Tth, and KN for a constant value of Kt (Kt=1); in determining Kth it was assumed that the voltage at the output of the relay elements was 1. Calculations on the transient response were performed for a nominal output of 60 MW, and Fig. 2 shows the lines of equal value for At='[J/Td- Figure 3 shows the minimum value of J for the. given KN as a function of the latter for two different power levels. The minimum J for the nominal power is obtained with KN=620, which corresponds to the fol- lowing optimum feedback adjustments : Kth = 0.8, Tth = 35 sec. Then At= 1.18?K. Figures 2 and 3 show that slight changes in KN do not produce substantial changes in At, and these adjust- ments may be considered optimal for any initial reactor power. The transient response calculated for this optimal adjustment is shown in Fig. 4. Clearly, the excursions of the temperature at the exit from the core do not exceed 5-11?K, while those at the exit from the reactor are only 2-5?K. This control system was tested with the BOR-60; the regulator was an instrument developed at the Cen- tral Complex Automation Research Institute from a standard RPIB regulator. The tests demonstrated the good performance in maintaining the exit temperature when the emergency protection gear operates, and they also served to refine the calculated adjustment figures. The initial parameters before the protection operated were as follows : reactor power 40 MW, coolant flow through reactor 900 m8/h, KN= 600, Tth = 40 sec, Kth = 0.8, A = 1.3?K. Figure 5 shows the transient response in the control system and the comparative curve when the protec- tion operates without the regulator. The control performance is quite adequate, as is clear from the fact that the deviation in the temperature at the exit from the core is only 17?K, as against 5?K at the exit from the reactor, whereas the corresponding figures without the regulator were 115 and 25?K, respectively. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 This method of shutting down the reactor is of high performance, which was demonstrated not only by the calculations but also by experiment, and it is recommended for use on fast power reactors, since it provides improved reliability and safety. . However, the forms of equipment vary, as does the scope for controlling the circulation-pump speed, so the problem is best considered at the design stage if the appropriate flow-rate con- trol range is to be provided, particularly from a source with an adequate kinetic-energy reserve. For exam- ple, a turbine generator might be employed. 1. 0. D. Kazachkovskii et al., At. Energ., 34, No. 5, 341 (1973). 2. V. A. Afanas'ev et al., in: Nuclear Science and Engineering, Series Nuclear Power Plant Dynamics [in Russian], Issue 1(11), TsNIlatominform, Moscow (1977), p. 51. SYNTHESIS OF AN UNSYMMETRICAL-ZONE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR REACTOR POWER DISTRIBUTION 1. Ya. Emel'yanov, L. N. Po.dlazov, UDC 621.039.562 A. N. Aleksakov, and V. M. Panin A substantial problem is represented by the need to maintain given spatial energy distribution in a large nuclear reactor, on account of the tendency to spontaneous nonstationary deformation of the distribution [1]. This poses many problems for the designers of control systems for large reactors, and one of the most impor- tant of these is the optimum choice of the number and disposition of the control rods and transducers in auto- matic control system. The traditional approach involving local control systems requires a number of local regulators equal to the number of unstable harmonics to be suppressed [2]. However, it has been shown [3, 4] that, in principle, it is possible to stabilize the neutron distribution with a smaller number of regulators. The prospect for improving the stabilizing performance of an automatic control with fewer control ele- ments has stimulated studies [5-7] in which various aspects of control for a one-dimensional reactor have been discussed, including unsymmetrical control systems. In particular, it has been shown [5] that one has to con-. sider the control performance and stability in the synthesis of an unsymmetrical system, and that here the most promising systems involve a combination of the zone principle of automatic-control design with asym- metry. Here we consider the synthesis of an unsymmetrical-zone system for controlling the radial and azi- muthal energy distributions. Formulation. The neutron distribution is described by means of a linearized equation for the diffusion approximation in a cylindrical coordinate system on the assumption that only slow processes are involved, namely such that the delayed neutrons can be neglected. All changes in the quantities are assumed averaged over the axis with a weight proportional to the square of the neutron flux. These assumptions give the equations for the dynamics of the reactor with a single power feedback as 1 AVp+xfp+(km?kc)(), 0; (1) -0; (2) dk1Jdt _ aq - ky , (3) where kc describes the control action. The time unit is the time-constant of the feedback; the steady-state neutron flux distribution 4-0 satisfies with the boundary condition 4 o1r=1= 0 A4)? + x.'! (1), = 0 (4) wherexz = 0 for r< RI; fconsL>0 for fl , < r < 1 (here R1 is the radius of the equalized energy distribution). Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 370-373, December, 1979. Original article sub- mitted January 8, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-0979$07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation 979 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 The solution to. (4) takes the form [6] 1 for r 0.485. troth con- ditions can be met together if 0.485 s L ~, !r*} I J9 (ro, t); J* N' t) = 4n ?d1 {(q (ra , t*) v)T - v \ Ea (ro , v) p' J- (ro, t) 4 tp (ro, t) (v)T + l D (ro) (p' (ro, t), where (Fig. 1) SE is a unit vector along the direction of motion of a neutron: ? = Slv (ro); ?* _ - Stv (ra ); t*= t-d (ro, Q)lv; r* _ rv+d (ro, Q); J8(ro, t) is the neutron current density in the moderator at point ro at time t emitted directly by the source. We take the Iaplace transforms of Eqs. (1)-(7) with respect to t and denote the transform of a function by a tilde. Then, taking account of the fact that S dte xttp (r~, t*) - ( dte -a.tq) { r* r L 0 we obtain after some simple calculations : d (rV )), =.exp I -) d (rl, SL)) N (r*, )) (5) V (Dp4') = () + a) tp; V% (R, )) = 0; 4 WT T (ro, )) - z D (ro) (ro, )) 4n ?d12 { Cv exp 1. - d (rv \/ (r$, ))- - v d (r,,, S2) \ _ Etr(ru,v)exp[ -) v J/Tw (r*, 1)- ;(ro, k); a+roo J (ro, t) d)eltfs (ro, a-ice Lk(r~ ~)-f (ro, ))] k r )) - 4-'~ (rr? )) ; E r ) _ 2D(ro) q' (ro,?) o, q+e (ro, )) (o ) WT W(re, )) , % n) 1> T (1 + s (r" Q' ))1; f (ro, 1) = - n d52 (ro, ) (v)T \v esp d ( I1 (16) t' V P ~')Jl [1+ D, 4)(Ro,k)j' 0 (r, ?,) _ (8/8r) In (p (r, X), where Ra is the radius of the cavity. For a system consisting of n layers of homogeneous moderator, -1)(R0, A) can be found by solving Eq. (9) in each of the layers and imposing standard boundary conditions (continuity of D(r)4)(r, A,) at the boundaries between layers). In particular, for a two-layer spherical system 1 1 1+psexp (-2 RI G Ro S( 0+ o cl) R ~) -= R+ L o o 1-0exp 1 -2 RI-H6 LS 1 D 1 1 D 1 R-R Rt 1 Do -1/ To- + ) -TI ct11 Gl ' s ~l i+ 1 + D1 T, cth R L R, fora two-layer cylindrical system 1 K, (Ro/Lo)-?cI1 (R0/Lo) ~c (Ro, ~) - Go K o (Ro/Lo)-~CIo (Ro/L0) K, (Ri/Lo)-VcK,, (RI/Lo) ~c - r1(R1/L0)+V'Io (R1/Lo) ' LoD1 K, (R,JL1) Io ()?/L1)?Ko (R/L,) II (R,IL,) 76 DOL1 Ko (RI/L) IO (R/L1)-K0 (R/LI) to (R1/L1) where Do, D1 and Lo, L1 are respectively the diffusion coefficients and diffusion lengths in the inner and outer layers, and R1 is the radius of the boundary between layers. As an example Fig. 2 shows graphically the albedo for a spherical system as a function of the thickness (H= R1- Ra of the first layer of light water. The second layer (of infinite thickness) is light water poisoned with boron of density PB=2.6 mg/cm3. 1. K. D. Ilieva, Candidate's Dissertation, P. N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Mos- cow (1973). 2. K. D. Ilieva and M. V. Kazarnovskii, At. Energ., 39, 186 (1975).. 3. Zh. M. Dzhilkibaev and M. V. Kazarnovskii, At. Energ., 42, 139 (1977). 4. K._D. Ilieva and. M. V. Kazarnovskii, [1), p. 347. 5. K. D. Ilieva and M. V. Kazarnovskii, Kr. Soobshch. po Fiz., No. 3, 19 (1973); At. Energ., 35, 346 (1973). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 MASS SPECTROMETRIC METHOD OF ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF XENON FORMED IN NUCLEAR FISSION Yu. A. Shukolyukov, Ya. S. Kapusta, UDC 539.173.8 and A. B. Verkhovskii The nuclides 129-136Xe are formed in the fission of any nuclei by neutrons or charged particles. Isotopic analysis of xenon may be of interest for both nuclear physics research and the solution of certain applied pro- blems of nuclear engineering. In the present article we describe a procedure developed for the mass spectro- metric investigation of xenon with a maximum sensitivity of detection of -10-14 cm3 (_ 105 atoms) of individual nuclides. We used a reconstructed MI-1201 mass spectrometer, an analog-to- digital converter, and a univer- sal Nairi-2 computer. Extraction of Xenon from Solids. In order to separate xenon from materials of various compositions it is necessary to produce a sufficiently high temperature in a closed volume with vacuum purity and a low xenon background. A vacuum furnace (Fig. 1) is recommended for the complete separation of xenon from practically any solid containing fissile nuclei. The heating element and shell of screens were located in a vacuum of 10-5 mm Hg; the samples being investigated were first degassed at 10-9 mm Hg and 200?C for 5-10 h and then placed in the working volume of the furnace - a molybdenum tube. The tube was first pumped out at 1900-2000?C for 2-5 h to ensure the removal of chemically active gases (hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, organic compounds) and xenon from the walls. The completeness of the outgassing of the tube was checked with the mass spec- trometer by running dummy tests. After careful outgassing of the tube the background of atmospheric 136Xe did not exceed _ 10-14 cm3 (^? 105 atoms). In extracting fission product xenon from solids it is sufficient to'maintain the necessary temperature for 1-1.5 h in order to separate more than 90% of the xenon capable of migrating at the given temperature (in the 500-2000?C range). Separation of Xenon from Chemically Active Gases and Helium. The gases separated from the sample under study are passed through a solid carbon dioxide (-78?C) cold trap 4 (Fig. 2) in which liquid nitrogen or oxygen cannot be used since xenon is retained on the walls of the trap at -183 to -196?C. In 15 min all the residual gases are sorbed at-196?C on activated charcoal in ampul 5. Helium, often contained in samples, cannot be sorbed on activated charcoal under these conditions, and is pumped out through valve 1 for 3 min. Then with sylphon valves 1 and 2 closed the charcoal is heated to 250?C. Simultaneously the temperature of the steel tube 6 with sponge titanium is raised to 900?C. In 15 min the chemically active gases are absorbed by the titanium. Following this the tube is taken from the furance and cooled to room temperature. When valve 2 is opened and valve 3 is closed, the residual gases are sorbed on the activated charcoal in ampul 7 in 15 min. Then, closing valve 2 the xenon purification process is repeated using the titanium getter 8. The xenon sepa- rated in this way is discharged into the mass spectrometer through valve 3. All the equipment except the tube with the samples was made of steel. Before beginning the operating cycle the equipment was pumped out at 300?C for 24 h by two mercury diffusion pumps. During this process the tubes with titanium getter were heated to 950-1000?C and the ampul with activated charcoal to 300?C. Measurement of Xenon on Mass Spectrometer. It is impossible to measure an ultrasmall amount of fis- sion products such as xenon isotopes on a commercial type mass spectrometer. It was necessary to recon- struct the vacuum part to ensure steady vacuum conditions for the measurements. Two steel pipes filled with SPN-3 getter were attached to the ends of the MI-1201 mass-spectrometer chamber. After heating to 600-700?C (with evacuation by the diffusion pumps) the getter at room temperature ensures maintenance of the operating vacuum conditions in the mass-spectrometer chamber for 3-4 h with the chamber valves closed. Before start- ing a cycle of measurements the mass-spectrometer chamber had to be outgassed for at least 24 h, 3-5 h of which were at 300?C. Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 389-391, December, 1979. Original article submitted March 27, 1978. 0038-531X/'79/4706-1001$07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation 1001 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 5 6 Fig. 1. High-temperature vacuum furnace for extracting xenon from solids: 1) high-vacuum pump; 2) molybdenum screens; 3) thermo- couple vacuum gauge; 4, 5) outlets to purifi- cation and evacuation systems respectively; 6) window for optical pyrometry; 7) multiply charged structure; 8) heating elements; 9) water cooling; 10) high-temperature heater; 11) tung- sten-rhenium thermocouple; 12) cooled current lead-ins. Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of high-vacuum equipment for separating xenon: a) to high- temperature furnace; b) to evacuation system; c) to mass spectrometer. The cooling systems for the vacuum traps and the electric and water supply systems of the mass spec- trometer were reconstructed to ensure automatic around-the-clock vacuum pumping. The flow of liquid nitro- gen into the mass spectrometer traps was regulated by a clockwork mechanism, a control system, and a com- pressor which produced an overpressure in the Dewar flasks as commanded by the clockwork mechanism. The sensitivity of the measurement of ion currents in the receiving end of the mass spectrometer was increased by installing an open louver type electron multiplier which made it possible to measure ion currents from 1.5 10-13 to 1 -10-17 A. The background current of the multiplier was no more. than 2 ?10-18 A. The xenon back- ground of a sample of a commercial mass spectrometer was lowered by a factor of 105: from approximately 10-9 to 10-14 em3 (- 105 atoms) in the closed chamber. A metering device - a gas pipet - was attached to the vacuum chamber for continuous monitoring of the sensitivity of the mass spectrometer and to determine the amount of xenon in the samples being studied. By comparing the ion current in the mass spectrometer obtained from xenon from samples containing a known Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 amount of it with that from the pipet it was possible to calibrate the pipet, i.e., to calculate the amount of xenon of atmospheric isotopic composition in it. In addition, by comparing the xenon ion current of the samples under investigation with that of the pipet it was possible to calculate the amount of xenon in the sample under study. In addition, the xenon in the pipet enables an estimate to be made of the mass discrimination in each experi- ment: the systematic deviation of the measured isotopic ratios in atmospheric xenon of the pipet from tabu- lated data - a measure of the isotopic mass discrimination of the instrument. In an MI-1201 mass spectrom- eter it generally does not exceed 0.3% per amu. The basic operating regime of the mass spectrometer scan is discrete. At most 11 isotopes are mea- sured. The control automatically switches from one mass to, another, stopping at each mass for 2, 4, 8, or 16 sec depending on the program specified. This makes it possible to integrate the ion currents over a specified time of 2 to 16 sec. The integration is performed on a PRM attachment which combines two functions : an analog-to-digital converter and a discrete function integrator. The mass number of the isotope, the intensity, and the running time are recorded on punched tape. Processing of Experimental Results. In measuring an isotope of mass in in the output current from the do amplifier is I (m, t)_(Nimt-}-N,mt+.llmmt+Nimt)Kmt+Iot, where Nimt is the number of ionized atoms of the isotope being measured; Nrmt is the number of ionized atoms of isotope of mass m remaining in the mass-spectrometer chamber after evacuation stops; Nmmt is the num- ber of ionized atoms of the isotope of mass in resulting from the "memory" effect; Nlmt is the number of ionized atoms of mass m resulting from inleakage (quasistatic regime); Knit is the mass-spectrometer con- version factor which depends on masses and varies with time as a result of instability of the fields of the in- strument; Iot is the initial output current of the dc amplifier. The value of Nrm depends on the degree of evacuation of the mass-spectrometer chamber; Nmm and Nlm are zero at the instant of admission. Consequently, in order to determine a true isotopic ratio it is necessary to measure all isotopes at t=0 (the time of admission). A series of measurement's of mass spectra is per- formed, a correction to Iot is introduced, and the measured ion currents are extrapolated to the time of admis- sion. The time dependence of the ion currents can be approximated by an n-th degree polynomial equation. Choosing the degree of the polynomial is a problem. A low-degree polynomial will give a crude description of the physical process, and a high-degree polynomial will not smooth out the "noise" of the experiment. A rule for choosing the optimum degree of the polynomial is given in [1]. The mass spectrometric information was processed by using a universal Nairi computer. Input infor- mation was by the punched tape obtained from the output of the mass spectrometer. The program developed includes : taking account of Iot, choosing the degree of the extrapolating polynomial, extrapolating the ion cur- rents to time t=0, calculating the isotopic ratios; introducing a correction for the mass discrimination of the instrument, and calculating the amount of xenon in the sample. The information is processed while the experi- ment is in progress. The mean square error of the determination of the isotopic ratios of atmospheric xenon (10-10 cm3 for an integration time of 8 sec and the recording of 10 mass spectra) is no worse than 0.3%. This new variant of the mass spectrometric procedure is already in use in practice and can be employed to solve various physical and engineering problems. From a knowledge of the isotopic composition the shape of the fission fragment mass distribution curve in the range 129:!s A s 136 can be found for the spontaneous fis- sion of nuclides with very long half-lives. The mass spectrometric procedure described for the isotopic analysis of xenon can be used to search for hypothetical transuranium elements in nature [2]. The method developed is used to search for traces and to investigate the manifestation of a chain process of the fission of 235w in nature [3], and for neutron dosimetry in the study of samples irradiated in a nuclear reactor [4]. By using the procedure developed it is possible from the content of xenon in the monitor and in the sam- ples being investigated to perform an analytic determination of fissile nuclides. For a fission cross section of 102 b, a fluence of - 1019 neutrons/cm2, an amount of fissile nuclides _ 10-12 g can be determined with a rela- tive error of - 15%. The error can be decreased to 3-5% if the amount of iodine or barium in the samples and monitor is determined before irradiation. Then, simultaneously with xenon from fission 128Xe or 131Xe is formed, and consequently the concentration of the fissile nuclide in the sample will be determined by the ratio Xef/123Xe or Xef/131Xe in the sample and the monitor. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 LITERATURE CITED 1. D. Hudson, Statistics- for Physicists [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1967), p. 182. 2. G. Sh. Ashkinadze et al., Geokhimiya, No. 7, 851 (1972). 3. Yu. A. Shukolyukov and Vu Min'Dang, Geokhimiya, No. 12, 1763 (1977). 4. Yu. A. Shukolyukov, Ya. S. Kapusta, and A. B. Verkhovskii, Geokhimiya, No. 4, 572 (1979). 1004 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SOME ASPECTS OF THE USE OF LOW-TEMPERATURE RADIATION IN NEUTRON-ACTIVATION ANALYSIS OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS L. M. Mosulishvili and N. E. Kuchava UDC 543.53 During irradiation in reactor channels, biological specimens are subjected to the radiation effect of neu- trons and y rays. Because of absorption of the energy of nuclear particles and y rays, there is a rise in the temperature of the specimens and this contributes to the loss of some so-called volatile chemical elements (bromine, iodine, arsenic, mercury, etc.) which constitute part of the biological materials. For this reason, the results of activation analysis of biological specimens in respect of volatile elements can be reliable only with the correct choice of irradiation conditions. The heating of biological specimens during irradiation in a reactor core with a neutron-flux density of -2 ? 1012 neutrons /cm2 ? sec was reported for the first time in [1]. It was shown that in the course of irradi- ation of liquid biological specimens, their temperature may reach about 60?C. The possibility of cooling liquid biological specimens with dry ice was considered in [2]. By irradiating the specimens at a neutron-flux den- sity of -2 ? 1012 neutrons/cm2 ? sec, it was possible to extend the irradiation time to 13 h. A special system of polyethylene containers, holding biological specimens enclosed in a thick layer of dry ice for neutron irradi- ation, was proposed in [3]. These technical procedures made it possible to conduct low-temperature irradi- ation of liquid biological specimens at a comparatively low neutron flux of about 1012 neutrons/cm 2 ? sec. For a flux density of about 1013 neutrons/cm2 - sec, it was proposed in [4) that biological specimens be irradiated right in a helium cryostat, thus ensuring low-temperature irradiation of biological specimens at a neutron-flux den- sity of 2 ?1013 neutrons /cm2 ? sec for 5 h. Such technical procedures were used to prevent the loss of volatile elements in the course of neutron irradiation of biological specimens. Clearly, the proposed methods of cool- ing are insufficient for long low-temperature irradiation of biological specimens by using a comparatively high neutron-flux density [> 5. 1013 neutrons/cm2. see]. In [5] the problem of cooling biological specimens during irradiation with intensive neutron fluxes from a nuclear reactor was solved by using helium gas, cooled to the temperature of liquid nitrogen, circulating in a closed system. The present paper gives a detailed analysis of the individual stages in low-temperature irradiation of biological specimens which were used in 1970 in a series of investigations on biological materials by the tech- nique of instrumental neutron-activation analysis, conducted in the IRT-M reactor at the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. It would be proper to pose the question: what temperature could be produced by radiation heating in biological. specimens during irradiation? As shown by our experiments, this temperature reaches about 300?C at a neutron-flux density of about 5 .10 ' 3 neutrons/cm 2 . sec. Figure 1 gives the results of temperature measurements in one of the vertical channels of the reactor with a given design of transport container holding the biological specimens (dry blood). The temperature was measured at two points in the transport container, i.e., at the geometrical center and on the outer surface, by means of copper-Con- stantan thermocouples. As is seen from Fig. 1, there is a temperature gradient from the center to the surface of the transport container holding the specimens. The temperature shift on average is about 35?C at a power ,of 3 MW. Figure 2 gives a schematic drawing of systems for cooling biological specimens placed in reactor core. The technical specifications of this system are: working diameter of channel 20 mm, length 8000 mm, cooling zone 600 mm, power 5 MW, helium-gas flow rate 50 m3/h, and liquid-nitrogen flow rate 60 liters/h. With a given reactor operating cycle, a pressure difference of (0.2-0.3) .105 Pais maintained continuously. The de- pendence of the temperature of the biological materials on the irradiation conditions in the cold channel is illustrated in Fig. 3. The container with the specimens was charged into the channel with the reactor at zero power, without helium circulating. During this time there is a slight increase in the temperature of the speci- mens (time interval I in Fig. 3). Then the circulation of helium gas begins and the temperature begins to drop Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 392-393, December, 1979. Original article sub- mitted March 12, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1005$07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 0 1 2 3 4 N, MW Fig. 1. Temperature of radiation heating of biological specimens vs thermal power of IRT-M nuclear reactor on surface (1) and in center (2) of container: 0) experiment. T , 300 - 200 - Core 2 J 30 90 150 210 270 t, min Fig. 3 Fig. 2. Main units of vertical low-temperature system for cooling biological specimens during irradiation: 1) loading channel; 2) specimen; 3) heat exchanger; 4) compressor; 5) gas holder; a, b) low- and high-pressure valves. Fig. 3. Temperature vs power of nuclear reactor. sharply (zone II). For 25 to.30 min after the onset of the circulation of cold helium there is a sharp decrease in the temperature of the specimens (zone III). Zone IV corresponds to the equilibrium temperature of the specimens at a power of 1 MW. Zones V-VIII shown in Fig. 3 correspond to a reactor power of 2, 3, 4, and 5 MW, respectively. In zone IX there is an abrupt drop in the temperature of the specimens after the reactor has been put into "zero power." Zone X corresponds to circulation of helium gas without cooling. The irradi- ation cycle ends with the specimens being removed from the reactor core. As is seen from Fig. 3, with an in- crease in the reactor power while the helium-gas flow rate remains at a constant given level, there is an in- crease in the temperature of the irradiated biological specimens, reaching - 170?K at a reactor power of 5 MW. Clearly, when biological specimens are irradiated in the temperature range from 80 to 170?K, the possibility of volatilization of chemical elements is practically eliminated. This low-temperature arrangement makes it possible to maintain a prefixed temperature range of irradiation of biological specimens at various reactor powers by varying the speed at which cooled helium gas is circulated. 1. D. Brune, K. Samsahl, and P. Webster, Clin. Chim. Acta, 13, No. 3, 285 (1966). 2. D. Brune and K. Jirlow, Radiochim. Acta, 8 161 (1967). 3. D. Brune, Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, U. S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D. C. (1969), p. 203. 4. D. Brune and H. Wenzl, Anal. Chem., 42, No. 4, 511 (1970). 5. E. L. Andronikashvili et al., in: Second Meeting on Use of New Nuclear-Physical Methods for Solving Scientific-Technical and National Economic Problems [in Russian), Izd. OIYaI (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), Dubna (1976), p. 127. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 BORON CONTROL OF WATER-MODERATED WATER-COOLED POWER REACTOR DURING OPERATION UNDER VARIABLE LOADS E. I. Ignatenko and Yu. N. Pytkin UDC 621.039.586 A system of boron control has been used in water-moderated water-cooled power reactor (VVER) units to compensate for slow variations in the reactivity. [1]. The concentration of absorber in the coolant of the main circulation loop (MCL) is changed by makeup with either a highly concentrated boric acid solution or pure water (deionized) with simultaneous drainage of unbalanced water into drainage tanks through a throttling device. The method of exchanging water to change the concentration of boric acid in the coolant of the MCL results in unbalanced water, containing radioactive products, accumulating in the drainage tanks. Treatment of the drainage water in order to extract boric acid for reuse or storage and purification from radioactive pro- ducts in special equipment requires expenditures and leads to contamination of the premises and the environ- ment. The liquid radioactive wastes which are obtained during the treatment and whose activity and quantity are determined to a great extent by the operating conditions of the atomic power plant should be stored in spec- ial containers. The VVER-440 units in service in the Soviet Union as well as in other countries are operated mainly on a load basis. Under these conditions, the volume of drainage water (including unorganized seepage) in the time between rechargings is about 1500 m3. Data on the operation of the Kol'sk Atomic Power Plant show that the rates at which containers for storing liquid radioactive wastes are higher than those projected. When the atomic power plant has variable operating conditions [2, 3], the volume of the water drained systematically from the MCL increases more than tenfold. This results in a growth of the total activity of the gaseous-aero- sol discharges into the atmosphere and a deterioration of the radiation conditions in the production premises. The technique of making a reversible change in the boric acid content in the coolant of the MC L on the basis of utilization of the properties of ion-exchange resins, does not fully resolve the problem. Its use is coupled with a considerable quantity of high-activity wastes obtained during the regeneration and replacement of the spent resins. For a reversible change in the boric acid concentration in the MCL coolant in a closed cycle within limits sufficient to prevent transient poisoning with 135Xe during operation of an atomic power plant during the variable-load part of the schedule a more promising technique is that of using a special apparatus (Fig. 1). The principal elements of the apparatus are an evaporator (with electric heaters) and a condenser which at the same time act as volume compensators. In the evaporator, because of the evaporation there is a build-up of a highly concentrated boric acid solution which, when necessary, is fed into the MCL through the adjustable valves. The volume of water in the evaporator is compensated by the inflow of coolant from the MC L through the check valve which protects the electric heaters from overheating when the level in the eva- porator drops suddenly. Water without absorber enters the MCL as a result of the condensation of water vapor formed in the evaporator on jets of "cold" water during operation of the spray tower of the condenser. A back-up pump has been provided on the feed line for coolant to the evaporator and condenser in order to in- crease the rate of change of boric acid in the MCL with part of the MCL cut off. In order to determine what rating the electric heaters of the condenser must have to prevent transient poisoning of the reactor core with 135Xe when the power unit of the atomic power plant is operating under variable-load conditions, we carried out the necessary calculations. The operating conditions of the atomic power plant with daily unloading from nominal power to 30% and to zero were studied as well as the possibility of restoring the power to the nominal value at any moment of time. The calculations were carried out for a fixed fuel charge in the VVER-440, for 7200 effective hours. The neutron-physical characteristics of the reactor and their variation during the fuel cycle were found by calcu- lation [4, 5] as well as in experiments on the power units of the first department of the Kol'sk Atomic Power Plant. The calculations took account of the presence of a controlling group of assemblies in the reactor core and the change in the coolant temperature with a reduction of power. Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 393-394, December, 1979. Original article sub- mitted April 7, 1978. 0038-531X/79/4706-1007$07.50 ? 1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation 1007 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 7 24 7 ' I 0 D2 0,4 0,6 0,8 Fuel cycle, rel. units Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig: 1. Apparatus for reversible change of boric acid content in MCL coolant in a closed cycle: 1) main circulation pump (MCP); 2) adjustable valves.; 3) check valve; 4) elec- tric heater; 5) evaporator; 6) spray towers; 7) feed pipe for water vapor from evaporator to condenser; 8) condenser; 9) back-up pump; 10) reactor. Fig. 2. Calculated power of electric heaters of evaporator at various moments in the fuel cycle. Figure 2 gives the results of calculation of the necessary power of the electric heaters in the evaporator, at various moments in the burn-up cycle with daily power control, of the power unit over the ranges from 100% to 0 (1) and from 100 to 30% (2),. The character of the curves shows that in the first case the appropriate power of the electric heaters of the evaporator is about 10 MW and in the second case it is 4-5 MW. The calculations were carried out with a margin since no allowance was made for reduction of the reactor power with finite speed and the possibility of the power units being unloaded to the level of intrinsic needs during the daily shut- downs. The fundamental. poss ibility of the proposed apparatus being employed to vary the boric acid content in the MCL coolant was verified experimentally on the volume-compensation system of a VVER-440 unit of the Kol'sk Atomic Power Plant. During the operation of the power unit, a boric acid concentration of 20 g/kg was attained in the volume compensator as a result of the operation of the electric heaters and the discharge of water vapor into a bubbler. LITERATURE CITED 1. V. A. Sidorenko, Problems of Safe Operation of VVER Reactors [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1977). 2. A. V. Bakanov, At. Tekh. Rubezhom, No. 6, 4 (1975). 3. V. A. Sidorenko, At. Energ., 43, No. 5, 333 (1977). 4. V. N. Semenov, Preprint IEA-2157, Moscow (1971). 5. D. M. Petrunin,. E. D. Belyaeva, and I. L. Kireeva, Preprint IA-t-2,518, Moscow (1975). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 OPTIMIZATION OF PROBE DEVICE FOR SELECTIVE y- y BOREHOLE LOGGING D. K. Galimbekov and B. E. Lukhminskii UDC 550.835:539.125.52 The probe device proposed in [1] for selective y-y borehole logging (GGBL-S), of a special type with a slit collimator for the source, ensures determination of the effective atomic number Ze of rocks and permits the interfering effect of their varying density p to be eliminated. Tests with this device showed that account must be taken of the interfering effect of microcaverns or of the gap h between the device and the borehole wall over cavern-bearing segments of the shaft. In the present paper we consider the problem of optimizing a two-probe device (GGBL) consisting of the channel of GGBL-S and a y-ray profilometer (GP), measuring h (Fig. 1). The initial system of equations for finding Ze and h with account for the possible interference between the channels is of the form J, = It (P, Ze, h, Gi) + e, (p, 7e, h, G); (1) 'f2-= 12 (P, Ze, h, G2) +E2 (P, Ze, h, G), where J1 and J2 are the total readings of the GGBL-S and GP channels, respectively; E1 and e2 are perturbations caused in the channels by the radiation field of the neighboring channel; I1 and 12 are the fluxes of the recorded radiation, bearing the principal information about the measured parameters of the rock; G1 and G2 are the sets of variable parameters of the construction of the GGBL-S and GP channels' in the space of the parameters G. Optimization comes down to finding the set of parameters which ensures the maximum of the vector objective function 71(G), chosen to be the sensitivity to the measured parameter in each channel, i.e., Ze TI(G*)=max I AAil G 1 AJ2 (2) J2 I Ale We prescribe an allowable level of interfering factors if AJ, I AJ, J, I AV I J, I Ah. 1/bu s,2 1 AJ2 1 AJ2 (62 1 622 (3) JZ I AV I J2 I AZ, where Sij is a small quantity limiting the effect of the j-th interfering factor on the reading of the i-th channel. It is required that the interference of the channels with each other not exceed a prescribed level g (e.g., ?2 Constraints (3) and (4) should be complemented with the conditions P, CP 0.1%, nMo^-0.01%, nFe^-0.005%. Gas-discharge purification of the walls is now employed in the machine (p = 8 .10-2 Pa hydrogen, f = 2 kHz, W= 1 kW, discharge duration 10 msec at 2 Hz, longitudinal field 103 G). The main conclusion arrived at by the authors of the Soviet paper on various methods of chamber purification was that flow discharge is an extremely convenient and effective method. One U.S. paper considered the effect that the evolution of the current profile has on the plasma-wall interaction. Although many details of the study remain unclear, the possibility of controlling the entry of im- purities into plasma is extremely interesting and useful in the adjustment of new systems. Some of the papers were devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of diverter systems. In a paper, researchers from the Kurchatov Institute presented results of calculations of the magnetic configuration of the bundle-diverter of a special design making it possible to reduce the current in the diverter windings. At the same time, however, the bumpiness of the toroidal field increases in the vicinity and this may result in additional loss of heat and particles. As shown by estimates, the losses may be small because of the radial electric field. Another paper by researchers from the Kurchatov Institute reported on the results of experi- Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 428-429, December, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1057 $07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 mental studies of the stability of the magnetic configuration by a poloidal divertor with two zero points. The stability region found by the authors apparently is the consequence of the concrete relation between the incre- ment in instability and the duration of the discharge. In a paper, workers of the Institute of High Temperatures of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1VTAN) considered the dynamics of particles in a divertor layer in the case of strong circulation. It was found that the temperature of the plasma in the divertor layer could decrease appreciably because of intensification of circulation. A paper, from the Kurchatov Institute on the possible use of a stream of incident microshells on the plasma boundary as a diaphragm showed that such a method permits a reduction in the average thermal load on the diaphragm elements by an order of magnitude. Such a diaphragm can perf orm some of the functions of a divertor. One U.S. paper was devoted to contamination of plasma in INTOR. With the use of silicon carbide coatings on the walls, one might expect insignificant contamination of the plasma for 20-30 sec. A lively discussion was aroused by the opinion that it will be possible to do without a divertor in this device. This subject, however, requires careful theoretical and experimental substantiation. Several papers presented by Soviet researchers were devoted to the currently intensively studied inter- action of fast atoms with various materials, as applied to the problem of the first wall of thermonuclear reac- .tors. A report was given on an experimental investigation of the mechanism of the formation of streams of atoms which could enter the plasma [Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MIFI)) and on the study of the reflection of light and heavy ions with an energy of 3-30 keV from a stainless-steel surface; the study was carried out on the Iris machine (Kurchatov Institute). The first results were given from the study of gas liberation from zirconium hydride in the course of ion bombardment as a function of the temperature and vacuum conditions (MIFI). A study was made of the influence of the technology of surface treatment on the scattering process. An original technique was presented for determining the diffusion coefficient and the acti- vation energy of deuterium occluded in molybdenum (MIFI). An interesting U.S. paper gave the latest results from studies on the resistance of various materials to high specific thermal loads, The experiments were conducted with a 10-keV electron beam with a power of 180 MW/m2. The. results permit carbides of materials with a low z (e.g., TiC-C) or various types of graphite to be recommended as a material for the diaphragm. A U.S. paper on the results of studies on the properties of low-z coatings showed that a coating of TiB2 on a graphite base is satisfactory. As a result, a design was developed for a diaphragm in which a 35-?m TiB2 layer is deposited on a graphite substrate. A diaphragm of this kind has been installed in the ISX-B machine and one will be built in the PDX machine. Similar topics were discussed in papers by researchers from the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy and the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (IFKh AN SSSR). In their opinion, a solution to the problem of the first wall is to produce a renewable coating of titanium sputtered onto stainless steel and to develop shields to bear the radiation and thermal loads. The meeting considered unipolar arcs as possible sources of impurities. As shown by the discussion of results,. there still some contradictions in experimental results obtained in various tokamaks and the avail- able theory cannot explain certain effects. Further studies on this problem are, therefore, desirable. On the.whole, the work of the meeting showed that a great deal of attention is being devoted in the Soviet Union and the United States to plasma-wall interaction. 1058 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 SECOND MEETING OF INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON INTOR V. I. Pistunovich and G. E. Shatalov The meeting took place in Vienna, Austria, in June and July, 1979. Its work was organized so that mate= terials on the physicotechnical foundations of INTOR - prepared by the participants of the working group in their own countries - could be compared, the differences on each of the topics discussed could be established, and subjects for further investigations could be designated. Experts from Euratom, the Soviet Union, and the United States were the first to take part in discussions on some of the topics. In order to achieve a more logical structure in the report on INTOR for the International Council on Thermonuclear Research, the aforementioned topics were grouped into more general sections: plasma, mag- nets and power, the blanket and tritium, engineering problems, and safety and the environment. Much attention was devoted to the discussion of the basic parameters of INTOR, with a more detailed discussion of its technical purposes and its place in the controlled fusion program. In the tokamak program, INTOR is intermediate between the devices of the next generation (T-15, TFTR, JT-60, JET) and the demon- stration power reactor (DEMO) for the generation of electricity. In view of this, it was recognized that it should be somewhat larger than an engineering-technological reactor. In accordance with the definition of INTOR as the maximum reasonable step beyond the generation of physical devices, the main objectives were formulated. 1. The operating mode should be close to that of a power reactor. This means ignition of the thermo- nuclear reaction in DT plasma, duration of working pulses no less than 100 sec, neutron load on first wall no less than 1 MW/m2, and an off-duty factor of no more than 30% between working pulses. 2. The basic technological solutions appropriate for a reactor should be used in INTOR: superconduc- tors in toroidal and poloidal coils, a divertor for ensuring a steady-state burn of the thermonuclear reaction, means of monitoring the power balance in the plasma, auxiliary heating systems, a closed tritium plasma column, a technology for maintenance by remote control, and vacuum technology. 3. INTOR should be provided with blanket modules for engineering tests on: the technology of produc- ing and extracting tritium from the blanket, structural designs of elements, the technology of a blanket for si- multaneous production of tritium and electricity, materials for radiation resistance, and solutions concerning plasma control and monitoring. 4. INTRO should demonstrate: the possibility of producing electricity in a thermonuclear reactor and breeding tritium, the capability of the thermonuclear reactor for stable and prolonged operation, and a max- imum load coefficient of up to 50%. These objectives can be carried out in three stages. The first would comprise three years of work with a load coefficient of 10-20%, at first with hydrogen plasma and then with DT plasma, along with the develop- ment of operating modes and demonstration of the production of electricity. The second stage would consist of four years of operation with a 25% load, execution of engineering tests on various blanket modules for tritium production, joint production of tritium and electricity, materials testing, as well as alternative solu- tions for heating and monitoring the plasma. The third stage would cover five years of operation at 50% load for testing the entire facility under conditions close to power conditions, testing the life of materials, and verifying alternative proposals for the production of a considerable quantity of tritium. Alternative possibilities which could alter the objectives and parameter of INTOR are to be considered by the end of 1979: increasing the production of tritium to half or all of the quantity required; increasing the scale of electricity production to 50 MW (E) or reaching a positive electrical balance; Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 429-430, December, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1059 $07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Increasing the specific load of the reactor and the total neutron load to 5 MW. yr/m2. The indicated alternative objectives bring the INTOR closer to the DEMO reactor which should produce electricity, produce enough tritium for its operation, and demonstrate the efficiency of the design as a proto- type of a commercial reactor. It is expected that INTOR will go into operation in 1990. The physical problems for DEMO can be expec- ted to be solved by 1993, the testing of the blanket and the solution of the engineering problems of the thermo- nuclear reactor, which are necessary for its construction, should be completed by 1997, and materials testing, by 2002. It would thus go into operation In 2005 or later. The meeting drew up the first (working) version of a composite report on INTOR and tables of the rec- ommended parameters. New special questions on each topic were formulated and the answers should be pre- pared for the third meeting. By that time an estimate should be made of the cost of INTOR and the required human resources and construction schedule should be established. By decision of the IAEA the work of the international working group has been extended to June 1980. It is envisaged that in 1980 the group will begin drawing up a predraft conceptual project. In the opinion of the members of the Supervisory Committee, this work can be organized through the staffs of the institutes of the participating countries without setting up a special project group. The third meeting of the International Working Group will be held in October, 1979. The conference, which was held in Geneva, Switzerland, in June and July, 1979, was attended by more than 820 researchers. The program comprised five sections: neutrino physics, electron-positron collisions at high energies, charged leptons, hadron interactions, and problems of theory. Review papers were presented at the plenary sessions by 17 rapporteurs and 52 invited speakers. The PETRA colliding electron-positron beam accelerator at Hamburg, Federal German Republic, reached a particle energy of 27.8 GeV in the c.m. frame of reference. In the near future this will be in- creased to 32 GeV. This accelerator is being used to look for a new t quark whose mass is estimated at 14- 15 GeV as well as to study decays of families of v particles with a mass of - 9.5-10 GeV. Within the frame- work of quark-gluon concepts, v mesons are a bound state of a b quark and a b antiquark in much the same way as the family of J/zt particles is a bound state of c quark and a c antiquark, while a W meson is a bound state of an s quark and an s antiquark. Let us recall that a proton and a neutron area bound state of three light quarks, u, u, d and d, d, u, respectively. The heavy quarks s, c, b have a nonzero strangeness, charm, and color. Interaction between quarks takes place through an octet of gluons. As a result of an interaction with a large momentum transfer, the presence of quarks and gluons results in the occurrence of a_jet of hadrons, strongly interacting particles. The study of the decay of the v particle, possessing a "latent color," revealed decays into three jets. If it is assumed that jets are caused by gluons (nonunique interpretation), then they have a spin of 1, as was expected theoretically. An intensive search is being made for the t quark but at the time of the conference the search has not been successful. In a pion beam with an energy of 150-176 GeV in CERN reseachers found a narrow resonance in the sys- tem J/t, -K-7r. This points to the existence of particles with a mass of about 5.3 GeV with explicit charm. Such a particle can be formed as the result of the decay of new particles with the quark structure (bu)- and (bd)?. At Stanford, California, researchers are studying the spectroscopy of the family of Job particles on the PEP colliding electron-positron beams. In the latest experiments, use has been made of a new, highly effec- tive technique, i.e., a y-ray detector which consists of a large number of counters incorporating sodium io- date-crystals (crystalline sphere). As a result, a new picture of levels of charmonium, a bound system of c and c quarks, has been established. The existence of triplet P states has been confirmed while the existence of single states of c and c quarks. Investigation of the MARK II facility revealed the existence of rare non- Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 430-431, December, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1060$07.50?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 leptonic decays of charmed D mesons, which marks the beginning of a new, deeper study of the properties of charmed particles. By the end of 1979 work should be completed at Stanford on the construction of PEP, a new accelerator facility with electron andpositron beams with an energy of 36 GeV in the c.m. frame. In the past two years experimental evidence has been obtained for the existence of a series of bound states ("narrow resonances") of the pp system with a mass of 1.94, 2.02, and 2.2 GeV. Some of the new ex- periments, whose tentative results were discussed at the conference, have not confirmed their existence. The new experiments were conducted in the antiproton beam at Brookhaven and in the pion beam at CERN. The investigations are being continued and the final result will be obtained when the data of all experiments has been analyzed. A large research program is being conducted with high-energy neutrinos as well as on the physics of weak interactions. Research on neutrino beams is being done by using hybrid facilities: a pellicle stack as a triggering detector, a bubble chamber for target indication, and an electronic part for identification of mesons. Several events of the creation of charmed hyperons have been reliably identified by this technique and measure- ments have been made of their lifetime, which is about 7.10 13 sec. A small bubble chamber that has gone into service at CERN has a high repetition rate, 20 expansions per second, with a high spatial rarefaction (-15 pm according to the design), allowing it to be used as a triggering detector for interactions. The overall result of research on neutral currents in weak interactions comes down to the validity of a variant of the unified Weinberg-Salam theory, and the sole parameter of the theory, i.e., the Weinberg angle, is determined very accurately as sine 9W =0.23 ? 0.015. The next important step, if this theory is valid, is that of detecting the weak-interaction carrier, the Z? boson, with a mass of 88.7 GeV/sect. The process of neutrino splitting of the deuteron, Ve +D-ve +p +n, has been observed for the first time. The first neutrino experiment for verifying the multiplicative law of lepton conservation has been conducted on the linear proton accelerator as Los Alamos. Considerable time at the conference was devoted to deep-inelastic processes with the participation of high-energy neutrinos. In the quark-parton picture these processes occur on quarks which are effectively free for the square of the momentum transfer Q2 > 0.3 GeV/sec 12. The structure functions of nucleons are linear combinations of the quark density in the nucleon with infinite momentum. Experimental data on neutrino pro- cesses along with data on inelastic scattering of high-energy electrons make it possible to obtain data about the structure functions of nucleons. An important place was occupied by data obtained by Soviet researchers on the observation of parity nonconsevation effects in heavy atoms in complete agreement with the Weinberg- Salam theory. The conference discussed hadron collisions at high energies. The data on such processes (both hadronic and leptonic) with a large momentum transfer are interpreted within the framework of the quark-gluon pic- ture (quantum chromodynamics). Processes with the formation of a jet of particles, detailed analysis of the change in the value of the transferred momentum as a function of the incident-particle energy and charge and other correlations in the particle jets, and the "broadening" of one particle jet as the result of gluon brems- strahlung are in qualitative agreement with quantum chromodynamics. However, the main theoretical prob- lems of the confinement of quarks in hadrons remain unresolved. Some of the papers were devoted to the polarization (spin) effects at high energies. From the point of view of the quark-parton picture, particular attention is being paid to spin effects at a high momentum trans- fer. Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A., studied the scattering of polarized 6-GeV neu- trons (12-GeV deuterons) by polarized protons, and measured the polarization correlations. The polarization of hyperons at high energies, when the polarization of the protons in the beam is small, proved to be unex- pectedly high. It is proposed not only to continue investigations on spin effects but also to use polarized hy- pe ron beams for exact measurement of the magnetic moments of hyperons, which is of interest from the pc int of view of the quark structure of hyperons. From this point of view much attention was devoted to processes of hadron collisions with a small momentum transfer, where the main part of the total interaction cross sec- tions is concentrated. In some cases the laws governing the interactions can be comprehended at the quark level. In their papers, researchers from the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) gave the results of ex- periments performed jointly by the JINR and the Fermilab on jet targets. These results were also the subject of two theoretical papers which considered the processes of the diffraction dissociation of protons. Consider- able attention was devoted to the results of studies on the dissociation of pions by nuclei on the basis of JINR- CERN magnetic spark spectrometer. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 The 25th anniversary of CERN provided an opportunity at the conference to discuss forthcoming research and plans for the construction of such large new facilities as the LEP large electron and positron accelerator with a center-of-mass energy of - 80-200 GeV. The objective of forthcoming studies is to verify attempts to elaborate a unified theory of weak and electromagnetic, weak, and electromagnetic and strong interactions. By 1981 CERN should have completed the construction of an antiproton storage ring, an accelerator facility with protons and antiprotons at a center-of-mass energy of 540 GeV and an emittance of 1030 cm-2. sec'1. Goals of the first priority are the detection of the Z? meson, the study of processes with large transfers, and the search for the formation of new particles. In theoretical schemes unifying hadrons and leptons into one family, transitions between them are al- lowed. Thus, the proton also turns out to be an unstable particle. As a result of the weakness of the inter- action, the lifetime of the proton is estimated at 1030-31yr. Notwithstanding the great difficulties In carrying out the search for proton decays, two experiments are being prepared for recording scintillation or Cherenkov flashes in 10,000 tons of water. SECOND INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS AND FIELD THEORY The seminar, which was held in Protvino in July, 1979, was attended by some 100 Soviet and foreign ,workers in the field of the theoretical foundations of the microcosm and the mathematics for the description of effects which occur in the interaction of energetic elementary particles. The participants were representatives of many Soviet scientific centers, in particular the Institute of High-Energy Physics (IVFE), the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), the P. N. Lebedev Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (FIAN), the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEF), Moscow State University, etc. Foreign scientific laboratories were represented by theoretical physi- cists from the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Italy, and CERN. The seminar heard more than 40 review papers and original communications on key problems of the theoretical physics of elementary particles and their interaction. The main topics discussed at the seminar touched on the most topical areas of study in the physics of the microcosm: gauge field theories, including quantum chromodynamics, the exact consequences of the global principles of field theory, the symmetry prop- erties of elementary particles, various models of the field theory, and phenomenology. Much attention was paid to gravitation theory and the supersymmetry approach as well as to the development of the mathematics of present-day theoretical physics. Considerable time was devoted to discussion. The seminar was fruitful and made it possible for the participants to exchange information about the latest advances in particle physics as well as to broad contacts among various scientific centers. In view of the fact that high-energy physics is enjoying vigorous development at the present time, hold- ing such seminars is a necessity for successful research and for getting information at an opportune time about current scientific work and about the prospects of investigations. This is why the international seminar at the IFVE was conceived as an annual event and the success it has enjoyed in the past two years undoubtedly con- firms the desirability of continuing with it. Translated from Atomnaya. Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, p. 431, December, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1062 $07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 The meeting was held at the Swiss Institute of Nuclear Research in June, 1979, with the participation of some 100 specialists, including invited delegates from the United States, Canada, and Japan. About one- third of the papers (24) were read while the remainder (43) were presented on posters. Analyzing the contents of the papers and the discussion, one can make the following conclusions. 1. Enormous interest has been aroused by the start-up of the largest isochronous cyclotron., the U-400, at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) which will yield high-intensity beams of heavy ions. 2. The latest generation of cyclotrons (with separated magnets) have been operating satisfactorily. The most successful has been the complex of cyclotrons at Willigen, Switzerland, where a proton beam has been obtained with an energy of 600 MeV and an intensity of 100 pA with a 99.9% coefficient of extraction from the last cyclotron. With such small losses the intensity can be increased to 1-2 mA and a new circular cyclotron- injector with a higher intensity is being developed at the Swiss institure for this purpose. It is to be put into operation in 1982, raising the power of the beam from the meson factory to 1 MW. Such an accelerator can be used not only as a meson factory but also as a neutron factory. A further increase in the coefficient of beam extraction from the cyclotron (up to 100%) can be achieved by the method of expanding orbits, proposed and studied at the JINR under V. P. Dmitrievskii. The second accelerator of this generation, the TRIUMF cyclotron at Vancouver, Canada, also produces an external beam of protons with an energy of 500 MeV and an intensity of up to 120 pA for short periods. But the losses at high energy because of the electrical dissociation of negative hydrogen ions in a magnetic field cause a residual induced radioactivity, thus not allowing such beams to be accelerated for a long time. There- fore, in this case it is proposed to bunch ions in order to obtain short but powerful neutron bursts in a lead target surrounded by heavy water. Further plans call for an increase in the energy (but not the intensity) in order to produce a K-meson factory. For this purpose it is proposed to build one more cascade (a circular cyclotron or synchrotron with a high repetition rate). The VICKSI cyclotron (West Berlin), operating an argon and krypton ions, uses a 6-MW electrostatic ac- celerator as an injector. The GANIL complex of cyclotrons under construction at Caen, France, will consist of two large cyclotrons with separated magnets and two small cyclotron-injectors. 3. Much attention is being paid to cyclotrons of the new generation, with superconducting magnetic wind- ings. Although some difficulties were encountered with the start-up of the first such cyclotron at the Univer- sity of Michigan in the United States, primarily because of the necessity to introduce a large number of ele- ments into the cryostat and to lead them out of it (e.g., ion source), there is confidence that the first beam will be obtained early in 1980. At Chalk River, Canada, magnetic measurements are being conducted and research pursued on an rf system for a second such cyclotron. Moreover, new projects are making their appearance, two of them in the Federal German Republic. At Munich, studies are being made on the possibility of con- structing a cyclotron with four separate superconducting magnets with a field of 5.5 T in a sector. With the Munich laboratory's 13-MV tandem, which is to be used as an injector, the cyclotron willbe capable of ac- clerating light ions to 300 MeV/nucleon and uranium ions to 25 MeV/nucleon. Two problems have arisin in the construction of the cyclotron. The first concerns attainment of the required radial dependence of the av- erage field in the injection region. As shown by estimates, the required field profile can be obtained only at double the radius and ways and means of shimming are now being sought. It may be that this problem has no solution; this is the fundamental problem of such cyclotrons with separated magnets. The other problem is that because of the regulation of the finite energy of the ions (from 300 to 25 MeV/nucleon), it is necessary to vary the growth of the average field at the final radius by 1.3 T and powerful correction windings are necessary for this. At Julich, Federal German Republic, a project has been prepared for a complex consisting of two cyclo- trons with continuous superconducting magnets. The complex resembles the one built at the University of Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 432-433, December, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1063$07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation 1063 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Michigan but with an important addition: instead of an internal source use will be made of an external micro- wave source employing electron-cyclotron resonance. Uranium ions are to be accelerated to 100 MeV/nu- cleon and light ions, to 250 MeV/nucleon. - In the United States, in addition to those cyclotrons already under construction, there are several pro- posals for the construction of cyclotrons with superconducting magnet windings. 4. The desire to increase the energy of heavy ions in a cyclotron has resulted in intensive studies on new types of sources of ions with high charges. One of them, which is being developed more and more, is a microwave-heated plasma source employing electroncylotron resonance. The best results have been obtained in Grenoble, France, with sources in a stand version. But others of a similar type as applied to the cyclotron are already being developed: at Louvain, Belgium, and Karlsruhe, Federal German Republic. Penning-type sources are continuing to be optimized and improved. For example, a modified source for obtaining 12C4+ ions according to the scheme used in the source of the cyclotron at the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy is being developed at the CERN. synchrocyclotron: this will be a source of the straight-channel type, with a collimated plasma-column diameter, high power (30 A, 1000 V) introduced into the plasma in a discharge pulse, and a high density of plasma power ensuring formation of multiply charged ions with a high density. According to plans, 1011 12C4+ ions per second in the external beam of the synchro- cyclotron with an energy of 85 MeV/nucleon would be attained in 1979. 5. Acceleration of intermediate ions (lithium and beryllium), which have properties not possessed by light and heavy ions, is becoming of increasing importance with each year. This is indicated, e.g., by the fact that in 1965 lithium ions were accelerated in only one cyclotron (Kurchatov Institute), in 1970 in one more, 'at Berkeley (California), and in 1979, in seven at Karlsruhe, Harwell (Britain), the Universities of Texas and Indiana (U.S.A.), and Dresden (German Democratic Republic) and was planned at several others. Multiply charged lithium ions are obtained in various ways. The most efficient is the method employed at the Kurchatov Institute, with an internal straight-channel source of the crucible type. In respect of intensity of the external beam of lithium ions, this cyclotron surpasses others. The only other cyclotrons, besides the one at the Kurchatov Institute, which are used to accelerate beryllium ions are Berkeley (similar in intensity) and at Texas U. (intensity two orders of magnitude lower). 6. The application of cyclotrons is expanding, especially in medicine (cancer therapy, radiography, pro- duction of isotopes for medical purposes). Particular attention is being paid to the production of 123I. Large quantities of this isotope are produced even in such unique accelerators as the meson factories at the Swiss Institute (in part of the external beam of the cyclotron-injector with a proton energy of 72 MeV) and in Van- couver. It is also obtained in large quantities in the cyclotrons at Louvain, Julich, and Karlsuhe. In Julich, it is produced inthe reaction127I(d, 6n)123Xe(Ji+; e-capture)123I with a deuteron energy of 78 MeV. The 124Te(p, 2n)123I reaction is used in more compact cyclotrons. The interest in 1231 stems from the fact that the 1311 ob- tained in reactors and also used for medical purposes is more than 50 times worse in respect of dose of radia- tion for the patients. 7. The meeting discussed various aspects of the technique of designing, constructing, tuning up, and op- erating cyclotrons. Great interest was taken in the new method of measuring the energy of ions by utilizing their recombination in a beam of electrons of known energy, first proposed at the Kurchatov Institute. It was decided that the next European meeting on cyclotrons will be held in 1980 at Karlsruhe (Federal German Republic). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 BOOK REVIEWS PENETRATION OF A FIELD INTO PLASMA* In the past two decades many publications have dealt with the penetration of a varying electromagnetic field into plasma. With each day it becomes more difficult to cope with the flood of information. At the same time, there is little review literature, especially monographs on this area of physics. However, whereas in the case of weakly inhomogeneous plasma these topics have been treated at least in part, there are no such monographs in the case of highly inhomogeneous plasma as well as in the case when the effects at a sharp boundary are taken into account. This gap is filled to a great extent by this book, written by an eminent spe- cialist on wave propagation in highly inhomogeneous media. The monograph covers diverse aspects of field penetration and wave transformation at the boundary of both isotropic and magnetically active plasma in the hydrodynamic and kinetic approximations. The book expounds a large volume of factual material: wave transformation (transformation of trans- verse into longitudinal waves) in semibound plasma and plasma layers under the condition of weak and strong spatial dispersion, with and without a constant magnetic field, and in a strongly and weakly inhomogeneous plasma; the penetration, reflection, and absorption of electromagnetic waves with nonresonance frequencies from moving plasma into plasma at rest, under the conditions of normal and anomalous skin effect. In great measure the author has succeeded by reducing the intermediate calculations which he presented in great de- tail in his earlier. book "Plasma Waveguides." The author devotes considerable attention to the exposition of the physical essence of the effects con- sidered so that the book can be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students specializing in plasma physics and related fields. The composition of the monograph is felicitous. From simple: effects, which are expounded with the aid of hydrodynamic description in plasma without a magnetic field, the author gradually goes on to more complicated effects on spatial dispersion. The last chapter is somewhat separate from the main con- tents but is not at all extraneous since it provides an essential complementation to earlier review publications with results on the transformation of low-frequency waves in weakly inhomogeneous plasma which differs significantly from the transformation of high-frequency waves. The following comments should be made: there is a dearth of graphical material, no references are given to experimental papers, and insufficient coverage is given to studies on the interaction of radiation with .moving plasma. In the next edition the author should take this into account and expand somewhat on the sub- jects discussed. The monograph is useful and necessary both for further development of the theory of plasma and to an even greater extent in connection with the numerous applications of plasma physics.' Radiofrequency and laser heating, radio communication, diagnostics of plasma and semiconductors, and diffraction on plasma formations are far from a complete catalog of the areas in which the conclusions of the theory of wave penetration and transformation are used effectively. *Atomizdat, Moscow (1979). Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, p. 433, December, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1065$07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing 0c poration Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 T. Cowling MAGNETIC HYDRODYNAMICS* B. P. Maksimenko Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD),.conceived in the domains of geophysics and astrophysics, is .now develop- ing rapidly and has been finding increasing application in various areas of science and engineering. The ob- ject of study are liquid or gaseous conducting media and their behavior in a magnetic field. The range of ap- plications of MHD includes both space and astrophysical problems (the sun, stars, outer space, interstellar plasma) as well as purely "terrestrial" applications in which use is made of hydrodynamic effects (studies on the problem of controlled thermonuclear fusion with magnetic confinement of plasma, MHD generators, MHD pumps, etc.). In connection with this it is timely and opportune that we have a second, substantially re- vised edition and supplemented edition of a book whose author is one of the leading specialists in this field. The primary objective of the books is to present the foundations of MHD. The choice of material as well the order of. presentation have been subordinated to this objective. In the first chapter, which is devoted to the principles of MHD, Cowling formulates the fundamental con- cepts, gives the initial electromagnetic and hydrodynamic equations, and presents the electromagnetic con- sequences stemming from those equations. In the second chapter, which deals with magnetic hydrostatics, he considers problems of magnetostatic equilibrium and instability. The conditions for onset of oscillatory pro- cesses with the formation of Alfven, magnetoacoustic, and hydromagnetic shock waves are analyzed in the third chapter. It gives examples of large-scale oscillations in various astronomical situations. Chapter four con- cerns the mechanisms responsible for instabilities of the Kelvin-Helmholtz, tearing-mode, and thermal types and conditions for their stabilization. In chapter five, devoted to the passage of magnetic waves through stars and planets, the author presents and discusses the dynamic theory, according to which a magnetic field is sus- tained by an electric current induced in the interior region as the result of the motion of matter across force lines, just as occurs in a dynamo machine with self-excitation. The application of the MHD approach to low- density plasma is discussed in chapter six. An undeniable advantage of the book is that in the treatment of quite involved material, the author de- votes considerable attention to the physical essence of the effects considered, using the least possible number of mathematical calculations. Wherever possible, theory is compared with the results of experimental re- search. Undoubtedly, the book will be useful to all those who are interested in problems of MHD theory and its practical applications. "Russian translation from the English, Atomizdat, Moscow (1978). Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 47, No. 6, p. 433, December, 1979. 0038-531X/79/4706-1066$07.50 ?1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 INDEX SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY Volumes 4647, 1979 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 AUTHOR INDEX Abramov, B. D. - 906 Abramov, V. A. - 1057 Ado, Yu. M. - 780 Afanas'ev, A.M. - 697 Afanas' ev, P. G. - 127 Afanas' ev, V. A. - 976 Afrikanov, I. N. - 190, 644 Agranovich, M. B. - 66, 784 Agranovich, M. V. - 484 Akhachinskii, V. V. - 679 Akkerman, A. F. - 47 Aleksakhin, R. M. - 688, 791 Aleksakov, A. N. - 267, 979 Aleksakov, L. N. - 90 Aleksandrov, A. P. - 147 Aleksandrov, B. M. - 475 Aleksandrov, K. A. - 756 Aleksandrov, P. A. - 964 Aleksandrova, Z. A. - 721 Alekseev, P. N. - 664 Alekseev, S. I. - 992 Aleshin, V. S. - 512 Alikaev, V. V. - 249 Alkhazov, I. D. - 1040 Anan' ev, A. P, - 879 Anan'ev, V. D. - 449 Andrianov, K. A. - 461 Andrianov, M. A. - 297 Antipov, A. V. - 116 Anufriev, V. A. - 57, 182, 851 Aristarkhov, N. N. - 847 Arkhipkin,.V. M. - 85, 136 Arkhipov, V. A. - 449 Arkhipov, V. M. - 150 Arlit, R. - 1040 Artamkin, V. N. - 348 Artarnonov, V. S. - 57, 182, 772 Artem'ev, A. N. - 155 B Babaev, A. I. - 449 Babaev, N. S. - 247 Babich, S. I. - 57, 182 Badanin, V. I. - 523 SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY Volumes 46-47, 1979 (A translation of Atomnaya fnergiya) Bagdasarov, Yu. E. - 361 Bagretsov, V. I. - 164 Baishev, I. S. - 116 Baklushin, R. P. - 774 Bakumenko, 0. D. - 433 Balaban -Irmenin, Yu. V. - 490 Balagura, V. S. - 387, 543 Balakshev, Yu., F. - 1019 Balankin, S. A. - 304 Baldin, S. A. - 501 Barabanov, I. R. - 754, 856 Baranov, A. N. - 379 Baranov, S. A. - 1022 Baranov, V. Yu. - 493, 960 Basova, B. G. - 282 Baturov, B. B. - 1, 58, 812 Beda, A. G. - 626 Belanova, T. S. - 772 Belen'kii, B. V. - 534 Belevantsev, V. S. - 334 Beloglazov, V. I. - 387 Belous, V. N. - 888 Belov, S. P. - 708 Belozerov, V. G. - 853 Berdzenishvili, T. Sh. - 548 Berezhnoi, V. A. - 339 Berlyand, V. A. - 554 Bessonov, V. A. - 516 Bibilashvili, Yu. K. - 96 Bitenskii, I. S. - 316 Blinkin, V. L. - 740, 844 Bliznyuk, N. A. - 940 Blokhintsev, D. I. - 449 Bobolovich, V. N. - 7 Bocharova, I. E. - 721 Bogachek, L. N. - 445 Bogomolov, V. N. - 1027 Boleslavskaya, G. I. - 314 Bol'shov, V. I. - 721 Bondarenko, A. V. - 81 Bondarenko, V. V. - 764 Borishanskii, V. M. - 911 Borisov, E. A. - 516 Brailov, V. P. - 816 Breger, A. Kh. - 392, 394, 469 Brikker, I. N. - 935 Brill', 0. D. - 1043 Broder, D. P. - 136 Brodskii, S. M. - 661 Bryndin, F. B. 764 Bryunin, S. V. - 259, 262, 812 Budov, V. M. - 911 Bulanenko, V. I. - 531 Buleev, N. I. - 664 Bulkin, Yu. M. - 449 Bunin, B. N. - 449 Burtsev, Yu. Ya. - 297 Bushuev, A. V. - 528 Bykov, V. N. - 101 C Chachin, V. V. - 528 Chakhovskii, V. M. - 816 Chelnokov, 0. I. - 190 Cherepnin, Yu. S. - 652 Cherkashin, V.. A. - 737, 824 Cherkashov, Yu. M. - 239 Chernavskii, S. Ya. - 12, 808 Chernov, L. A. - 106 Chernyaev, V. A. - 1 Chervinskii, Yu. F. - 408 Chesnokov, N. I. - 501 Chetverikov, A. P. - 182 Chetverikov, V. V. - 892 Chirkst, D. t. - 638 Chistozvonov, A. S. - 140 Chistyakov, L. V. - 1022, 1024 Chistyakov, S. A. - 923 Chudinov, V. G. - 309, 1033 Chugunov, 0. K. - 379, 992 Chuvilin, D. Yu. - 666 D Das, S. - 185 Davydov, A. V. - 626 Demichev, V. F. - 962 Demidov, B. A. - 111 Denisov, V. G. - 888 Desyatnik, V. N. - 408 Didenko, A. N. - 923 Dimitrov, S. K. - 287 Dinev, D. Kh. - 208 Dmitriev, A. B. - 636 Dmitriev, P. P. - 55, 216 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Dmitriev, V. D. - 101, 934 Dollezhal', N. A. - 449 Doroshenko, G. G. - 132 Dorri, M. Kh. - 370 Drokin, A. M. - 750 Druzhinin, A. A. - 473 Drynkin, V. I. - 534 Dubasov, Yu. V. - 312 Dubovoi, V. K. - 564 Dulin, V. A. 550, 566 Duman, E. L. - 1014 Dushin, P. G. -. 81, 437 Dushin, V. N. - 556,1040 Dyadin, Yu. V. - 916 Dzantiev, B. G. - 414 Dzhilkibaev, Zh. M. 997 E Edunov, L. V. - 449 Efanov, A. D. - 911 Efanov, A. E. - 309 Efimov, A.. A. - 27 Efimov, I. A. - 847 Efimov, V. N. - 976 Efremov, A. A. - 788 Efremov, Yu. V. - 410 Egiazarov, B. G. - 501 Egorov, A. L. - 445 Egorov, G. F. - 591 Egorov, L. G. - 375 E igenson, S. N. - 278 Eliseev, G. A. - 345, 1053 Emel'yanov, I. Ya. - 1, 90, 161, 267, 506, 929, 979 .Eperin, A. P. - 22, 882 E rben, 0. - 402 Ermakov, A. N. - 414 F Fanchenko, S. D. - 111 Farafonov, V..A. -858 Fateev, A. P. - 831 Favorin, Yu. A. - 649 Fedik, I. I. - 461 Fedorov, V. A. - 132 Fedulov, V. V. - 929 Filatov, V. I. - 661 Filipchuk, E. V. - 929 Filippov, E. M. - 841 Filov, R. A. - 1046 Firsov, 0. B. - 121 Firsova, E. V.. - 911 Fraktovnikova, A. A. - 1016 Frank, I. M. - 449 Fridman, A. M. - 258 Fuks, K. - 693 Funshtein,.V. B. - 475 Fursov, B. I. - 35 Fursov, G. L. - 387, 543 G Gabrianovich, B. N. - 715 Gagarinskii, A. Yu. - 1025 Galaktionov, I. V. - 1 Galimbekov, D. K. - 1009 Gaikin, B. Ya. - 1052 Gal'tsov, V. S. - 1027 Garusov, E. A.'- 931 Gavrilov, P. A. - 1051 Gavrin, V. N. - 754, 856 Generalova, V. V. - 554 Gerasimov, P. V. - 708 Gerasimov, V. V. - 888 Gerchikov, F. L. - 569 Gladyshev, A. M. - 928 Glagolev, V. M. - 969 Glotov, V. I. - 754 Glukhikh, V. A. - 797 Goldin, M. L. - 967 Golovachik, V. T. - 116 Golovin, V. P. - 992 Golovko, V. F. - 911 Golovnin, N. S. - 96 Golubev, L. I. - 85, 136, 410 Golubev, V. G. - 335 Golubeva, T. A. - 675 Gomin, E. A. - 219 Gorbatyuk, 0. V. - 528 Gorelov, A. I. - 262 Gorodkov, S. S. - 219 Gorokhovatskii, F. S. - 387 Goshchitskii, B. N. - 309, 1033 Gotovskii, M. A. - 911 Govorkov, B. B. - 572 Grebennik, V. N. - 243 Grebenyuk, G. G. - 370 Gribov, B. S. - 1043 Grigor'yants, A. N. - 58 Grimm, V. - 1040 Grinevich, N. A. - 516 Grishaev, I. A. - 387, 543 Gritskevich, S. F. - 1019 Grizhko, V. M. - 387, 543 Gromova, A. I. - 888 Groznov, V. N. - 652 Gryazev, V. M. - 976 Gryaznov, B. V. - 335 Gurskii, M. N. - 554 Gusev, I. T. - 497 Gusev, V. M. - 185, 190, 558 Gusev, V. V. - 309, 1033 Guseva, M. I. - 185, 190 Gutkin, T. I. - 314 I Ignatenko, E. I. - 1007 Ikhlov, E. M. - 433, 742 win, L. A. - 582, 791 Ilozhev, A. P. - 591 Ilyasov, V. M. - 85, 136 Ioffe, M. S. - 121 lonaitis, R. R. - 69 Isaev, A. N. - 424 Isaev, V. I. - 538 Istomina, A. G. - 39 Ivanov, A. N. - 951 Ivanov, G. P. - 516 Ivanov, R. I. - 57 Ivanov, R. N. - 182, 772 Ivanov, V. I. - 965 Ivashkevich, A. A. - 485 Ivkin, M. V. - 111 K Kachanov, V. M. 899 Kadomtsev, B. B. - 121, 229 Kagramanyan, V. S. - 273 Kaidalov, A. B. - 783 Kalebin, S. M. - 57, 182, 772 Kalin, B. A. - 562 Kalugin, V. A. - 318 Kalyagina, I. P. - 210 Kamanin, P. M. - 899 Kamenetskaya, D. S. - 754 Kaminsky, M. 185 Kapinos. V. N. - 124 Kapusta, Ya. S. - 1001 Kapustin, V. K. - 750 Karpacheva, S. M. - 919 Karpechko, S. G. - 127 Karpov, V. I. - 582 Karpukhin, V. I. - 291, 379, 992 Kartashev, E. R. - 958 Karus, E. V. - 534 Kazachenkov. Yu. N. - 396 Kazanskii, Yu. A. - 550, 566, 708 Kazarnovskii, M. V. - 997 Kebadze, B. V. - 756 Kerzin, A. L. - 534 Khaikovich, I. M. - 1035 Kham'yanov, L. P. - 85, 136 Khananashvili, L. M. - 461 Khefert, M. - 116 Khlebnikov, S. V. - 475 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved Khripunov, V. I. - 129 Khryastov, N. A. - 449 Kikoin, I. K. - 147 Kinzhinkov, V. A. - 767 Kirillov, P. L. - 786, 858, 867 Klemin, A. I. 486, 804 Klimov, A. V. - 772 Klyushin, V. V. - 519 Knizhnikov, V. A. - 791 Knyazev, 0. I. - 944 Kochetkov, L. A. - 361 Kochurov, B. P. - 168 Kokorev, L. S. - 134 Koleganov, Yu. F. - 106, 528. Kolesnikov, S. A. - 461 Kolesov, A. G. - 57, 182, 772, 851 Kolesov, V. E. - 560 Kolesov, V. V. - 770. Kolmakov, A. P. - 911 Komarov, E. V. - 597 Komissarov, 0. V. - 437 Kondrat'ev, S. I. - 858 Kononov, V. F. - 302 Konstantinov, D. I. - 546 Konstantinov, E. A. - 22 Kopytin, V. P. - 644 Korneev, V. A. - 906 Kornilov, V. P. - 464 Koroleva, V. P. - 106, 143 Korostylev, V. A. - 282 Korotkov, V. P. - 750 Koryakin, Yu. I. - 1, 256, 495, 588, 730, 776, 808, 812 Korytnikov, V. P. - 1 Kosarev, V. D. - 569 Koshcheev, V. N. - 618 Koshkarov, L. L. - 754 Kostikov, V. I. - 461 Kostochkin. 0. I. - 1040 Kostromin, A. G. - 81, 437, 764 Kostromin, L. G. - 934 Kostyuchenko, V. I. - 630 Kotov, V. M. - 652 Kovalenko, S. S. - 1040 Kovalev, E. E. - 1043 Kovalev, V. P. - 538 Kovalevich, 0. M. - 426 Kovylyanskii, Ya. A. - 1 Kozhevnikov, D. A. - 206 Kozlov, A. V. 519 Kozlov, F. A. - 361 Kozlov, V. F. - 31 Kozlov, Yu. D. - 726 Krasulin, Yu. L. - 185 Krause,. R. - 1040 Krayushkin, V. V. - 552 Krisyuk, t. M. - 1046 Kroshkin, N. I. - 565 Krotov, V. I. - 139 Kruglov, A. K. - 67, 213 Kruglov, A. S. - 1016 Krupnyi, G. I. - 116 Krutikov, P., G. - 22, 882, Krylov, N. G. - 473 Kshnyaskin, V. M. - 726 Kuchava, N. E. - 1005 Kuchin, N. L. - 1011 Kukavadze, G. M. - 916 Kukushkin, A. S. - 983 Kulakov, G. A. - 410 Kulakov, V. M. - 379, 777 Kulakovskii, M. Ya. - 433 Kupriyanov, V. M. - 35 Kushnikov, V. V. - 297 Kustarev, V. N. -116 Kuz' mina, I. A. - 375 Kuznetsov, E. I. - 681 Kuznetsov, V. F. - 1031 Kuznetsov, V. N. - 992 L Laletin, N. I. - 172, Lapidus, L. I. - 1060 Laptev, F. V. - 597 Lavrukhin, V. S. - 449 Lazarev, Yu. A. - 329 Lebed', B. M.. - 622 Lebedev, S. Ya. - 53, 13P Lebedev, V.A. - 731 Lebedev, V. N. - 116 Leonov, E. S. - 132 Leonov, V. V. - 750 Lependin, V. I. - 164 Leppik; P. A. - 971 Levchenko, Yu. D. - 715 Levkovskii, V. N. - 762 Liforov, Yu. G. - 528 Lititskii, V. A. - 764 Lityaev, V. M. - 550 Loginov, N. I. - 464 Logosha, N. I. - 437 Lomidze, V. L. - 449 Loshkova, L. I. - 882 Luchin, I. A. - 501 Lukasevich, B. I. - 487 Lukashin, I. F. - 641 Lukhminskii, B. E. - 1009 Luk' yanov, A. A. - 770 Lur' e, A. I. - 85, 136 Luppov, V. A. - 302 Luzanova, L. M. - 31 Lvov, A. A. - 473 Lyakhov, A. V. - 626 Lyapina; Z: E. - 132 Lysenko, V. V. - 445 Lystsov, V. N. - 767 Lytkin, V. B. - 273 Lyubchenko, V. F. - 437 Lyubivyi, A. G. - 597 M Maidanik, V. N. - 614, 649 Maile, Kh. P. - 307, 548 Maiorov, A. N. - 458 Makarchenko, V. G. 210 Makarov, 0. I. - 560 Makhin, A. V. - 287 Makhlin, N. A. - 684 Maksimenko, B. P. - 496, 590, 1066 Maksyutenko, B. P. - 1019 Malofeev, V. M. - 168 Malygin, V. B. - 96 Malykhin, A. P. - 748 Malyshev; E. K. - 636, 853. Malyshev, V. M. - 58 Mamikonyan, S. V. - 661 Mamonova, T. I. - 839 Mansurova, A. N. - 190 Manuilov, V.S. - 654 Marchik, I. I. - 622 Marenkov, 0. S. - 752 Markina, M. A. 824 Markov, M. A. - 147 Markov, V. K. -746 Martynenko, Yu. V. - 121, 185, 190 Martynov, A. I. - 387 Mashkovich, V. P. - 422 Maslennikov, B. K. - 35 Matveenko, I. P. - 140, 560 Matveenko, V. I. - 164 Matveev, V. I. - 708 Matveev, V. V. - 501 Matyushina, N. A. - 67 Mavrin, A. S. - 72 Medvedev, Yu. A. - 124 Medvedovskii, L. I. - 737 Mekhedov, B. N. - 85, 136 Melent'ev,.V. I. - 302 Melikhov, V. V. - 449 Mel'nikov, V. A. - 892 Melovat-skaya, A. I. - 406 Memelova, L. Ya. - 916 Men'shikov, L. I. - 1014 Merezhkin, V. G. - 586 Meshkov, A. G. - 427 Mesropov, M. G. - 309, 1033 Mesyats, G. A. - 78 Mikhan, V. I. L. - 58 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP10-02196R000800020005-0 Miller, 0. A. - 410 Miller, V. V. - 528 Miloserdin, Yu. V. - 96. Minashin, M. E. - 437 Mironov, V. K. - 750 Miroshnikov, V. S. - 892 Mishchenko, A. I. - 123 Mishenev, V. B. - 123 Mitel' man, M. G. - 820 Mitenkov, F. M. - 597, 911 Mitrakov, L. N. - 649 Mityaev, Yu. I. - 449 'Mitzinger, W. - 691 Mizonov, N. V. - 911 Moiseev; A. A. - 343, 872 Moiseev, S. S. -1065 Molin, G. A. - 216 Morozov, V. N. - 164, 190. Moseev, L. I. - 847 Moskalev, Yu. I. - 39, 341, 686 Moskvin, L. N. - 27, 892 Mosulishvili, L. M. 1005 Mozhaev, V. K. - -566 Mukhovatov, V. S. - 76 Muradyan, S. G. - 787 Murashov, V. N. -134 Musiol, G. - 1040 Musorin, A. I. - 445 Myakushko, L. K. - 387, 543 11 N Naboickevko, K. V. - 96. Nakahara, Y. - 602 Nalesnilc, V. M. - 519 Nalivaev, V. I. - 127 Nartikoev, V. D. - 534 Naskidashvili, I. A. - 548 Naumov, V. I. 713 Nechaev, A. I. - 408 Nefedov, V. N. - 57, 772 Nefelov, V. N. - 182 Nemilov, Yu. A. - 475 Nemirov, N. V. 940 Nesterov, V. G. - 721 Nevskii, B. V. - 252 Nikiforov, A. S. - 591 Nikolaev, V. A. - 312, 375, 523 Nikol'skii, S. N. - 772, 851 Nikol'skii, V. A. - 746 Nikulina, A. V. - 333 Noga, V. I.. - 735 Nosach, V. G..- 321 Novikov, V., M. - 666, 844 Novikov, V. Ya. - 26 2 Novobratskaya, I. F. - 291 Novoselov, G. P. - 297 Nurislamov, I. R. - 136 1072 Ochkin, D. V. - 953 Odintsov, Yu. M. - 473 Onufriev, V. D. - 644,

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